* Posts by Steve E

3 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Nov 2009

Amazon Lex can now speak British English... or simply 'English' if you're British

Steve E

Not just the original

Whilst the residents of this green and pleasant land undoubtedly have a legitimate claim of prior art where the English language is concerned, we do find it a little galling that another nation has taken an antiquated version of it, tagged on a “US” prefix, and claimed as their own. Seriously the word ‘faucet’ fell out of favour in the civilised world shortly after Queen Elizabeth (the first that is) lost the colour in her cheeks. I guess we should be grateful you lot didn’t call it World-English, you know, in the same way you have your World Series with no international interest whatsoever. Oh crap, but you did, didn’t you... International-English Oh bugger!

Uber helicopter taxis

Steve E


You missed a headline opportunity there!

Belkin Powerline HD Gigabit mains Ethernet adaptor

Steve E

Understand bandwidth terminology

"Almost every 200Mb/s adaptor uses a 10/100 Ethernet port, capping the throughput at 100Mb/s."

100baseT and 1000baseT ethernet is full duplex. This means you get 100/1000 Mb/s in each direction, and thus double that in total. In contrast wireless and powerline figures are quoted as total bandwidth. Thus a 100Mb/s port can carry the 200 Mb/s of which such a powerline adaptor is capable.

I'll be sticking with my CAT6 cabling giving me 2000 Mb/s (in wireless / powerline) terminology. :-)
