* Posts by Slimster

6 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2009

Japan takes the Top 500 lead with K super


Enough juice?

Do the poor Japanese have permission to turn it on more than once a year? As a result of the recent disasters they are experiencing power-cutbacks. Offices running aircon at 80 deg (at a very hot/humid time of the year), factories are changing their working week to flatten out demand too. Turn this beastie on an half the nation's lights will go out.

Council fined for randomly emailing personal data

Thumb Down

Who really pays the price of incompetence?

"Information Commissioner Christopher Graham said the council had paid the price for failing to handle sensitive data appropriately or to have security measures in place."

Oh really? You mean the council tax payers are going to pay the price in reduced services in order to meet this fine. Did anyone's head roll?

Bechtolsheim races Arista to zero latency


Follow the bear

Whats withall this wibbling about latency, if Andy is involved then there is a high chance he's onto a winner. This guy is a genius and was involved in the early days of many techs we now take for granted. The real question is what happens next with Arista? Who will buy them?

<Hofmeister ad>

If you want great products follow the bear

</Hofmeister ad>

Cloud to drive a quarter of server sales

Paris Hilton


So it costs $4,500 for a document full of guesstimates and preditions that any experienced group of IT industry professionals could put together. I should buy shares in IDC...

Paris - because she's the only one dumb enough to pony up for such a report (oh, and all those with a corporate subscription to IDC).

Oman cuffs 212 for selling VoIP calls



Sounds like the big boots at Omantel are playing their Wasta card again and hitting the poorer workers trying to call home without being ripped off. It is only a matter of time before this restriction is removed. Meanwhile everyone who can afford their own computer uses VPN services to circumvent this restriction.

Sun files $120m loss on the hush


Failed CEO selection = ruined business

This company has the best technology, and often the best products. Its employees leave and seem to do just fine building other companies such as Google, VMWare. So why does Sun not 'work'?

Any Sun customer knows the answer. Larry needs to find the senior management who has been there for 5+ years, take it out back and do the right thing. It is soul destroying seeing what the so called Exec VPs and other senior management are doing to this company. This has been going on for the past few years and now they've either got a golden parachute lined up, or they are so busy cosying up to Oracle their noses are permanently brown. If they were any good they'd have seen the light and left already.

Even after reading the recent artciles I'm sure they still don't get it.