Article writer comments are very misleading, since several of better known and respected Linux distributions - today, October 10th, 2014 - do not require or suggest "dropping to a command line" in order to perform certain functions.
The other rather telling comment is his referencing "playing around" with Linux as an alternative to his dis-satisfaction with Microsoft Windows. Since Linux "is not" Windows, those interested in seriously evaluating this incredible Operating System (OS) need to get help and advice "beforehand", rather than “playing around” and stumbling along ignorantly into a very new computing paradigm, and wasting a great deal of valuable time and energy when so much intuitive and expert assistance is readily available - mostly without any costs or obligations.
Over the past ten plus years, and especially during last 2 - 3 years, I have taught Linux and Free/Open Source Software topics in Greater New York area to those of all levels of technical proficiencies and all ages - up to 80 years of age - with ultimate success.
One key consideration is willingness to learn and not making asinine assumptions about Linux as many in USA, like article writer, frequently do coming from a very limited Microsoft Windows only experience.
It is instructive that the adoption of Linux and FOSS in most other developed nations has been quite noticeably easier and more acceptable to adults and the young, than for most Americans. Maybe basic intellect play a significant part!