* Posts by Chris Hill 1

13 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Nov 2009

Boss put chocolate cake on aircon controller, to stop people using it

Chris Hill 1


As one that used to work from home it used to make me chuckle twice a year, the first cold days and the first hot days when the email went out from the facilities team to say they they were aware that the office was rather cold/hot and the HVAC engineer had been called out to wield the golden spanner to rectify the situation.

In my current place of work we occupy a mature building, where the temperature of two floors with four distinct office spaces is regulated by a single thermostat at one end of the office. Us mortals have been forbidden from turning it down/up to allow us to reach an ideal temperature. We have to coax the radiators to try and produce more heat or open the windows to reduce the temperature.

UK malls use Google in desperate stab at luring shoppers off the web

Chris Hill 1

Really, I don't think I've seen you in the virtual barber's shop. Something for the weekend sir <cough>?

Copper-obsessed BT means UK misses out on ultrafast fibre gold

Chris Hill 1

Re: FTTH is a waste of time

We have a cabinet at the bottom of out road, unfortunately the pair for our house is served from a much more distant cabinet. I get 14Mb/s down and 3Mb/s up from FTTC, which is still much more than I used to get with ADSL and two connections aggregated. I'd consider FTTP if it reduced the latency significantly.

The tips stop here: Starbucks to take Square Wallet payments

Chris Hill 1

Re: Original uses for the accelerometer

I smell a patent there - quick get your application in. I call the invention of waving around the phone over the bonk point the more vigorous the movement the more the tip - or perhaps that should be reversed; a vigorous forward and back motion with the phone in a semi open palm (with fingers curled) means the staff get no tip.

Apple design chief Jony Ive knighted - but not by the Queen

Chris Hill 1

surely not I for the royal Wii

It would have to be a wepod and a wepad...

Mine's the one with two puns in the pocket.

Game CEO steps down

Chris Hill 1

Southampton has/had three Games and a Gamestation in the centre of town within a very short walk. I wonder which if any they will chose to keep: the one in the prime retail location (high rent shopping centre), the one on the high street, the one on the side street off one end of the high street or the one in the oh so 80s shopping centre that has more tumble weed than punters.

Vodafone manages to fight off £3bn tax bill, claws back cash paid

Chris Hill 1

If there is no tax liability in India but a capital gain has been made where does the liability fall? Perhaps the UN should start collecting extra territorial tax revenue and use it to make up the shortfall from the donor nations.

Bushfire halts solarcar race in its tracks

Chris Hill 1
Thumb Up

Any chance of pictures from the national missile park and the heritage centre in Woomera?

Printable mini-display tech draws power from NFC devices

Chris Hill 1

It will be nice to be able to see that your tag has just been read. When will they harvest enough power to drive the optional klaxon and flashing lights?

Fort Wayne officials refuse to slap Harry Baals on public building

Chris Hill 1

Forget the Baals

The descendants of Hr Wanker aren't afraid of puerile comments. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Wankers_Corner,_Oregon I think he set up the original country store as a newly arrived settler having reached the end of the Oregon trail.

Lawsuit says Facebook plunders user names, photos

Chris Hill 1


Our dogs have facebook pages (farmville for friends). Apparently they've found lots of friends using the friend finder. I don't think so, as I've never seen them sat at the computer pawing over facebook.

Paris Hilton tweets armed intruder drama

Chris Hill 1
Paris Hilton


I was just wondering if the Kate Somerville Spa was looking for any new employees?

Sony to bring Risk to the big screen

Chris Hill 1

Mornington Crescent?

Will we ever see a film version of Mornington Crescent?