This enquiring mind would like to know what has become of Page and Worstall since their departure from el Reg. Lewis wasn't everyone's cup of tea but I enjoyed his articles very much, and also found Tim's economics articles to be really interesting. They may not be writing for the Register anymore but I'd be most interested to know if they have put their talents to good use elsewhere on the www.
Posts by GrantN
5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Nov 2009
The Register's entirely serious New Year's resolutions for 2016
Google shows off Project Glass augmented reality specs

Re: Yeah, ooh aah, that's how it starts...
Speaking of implants, this reminded me a lot of the Commonwealth Saga series of books by Peter F. Hamilton . Of course, in those stories people's "virtual vision" wasn't in the form of glasses but instead was wetwired directly into them. But I thought it was a rather good idea actually.
So, what's the best sci-fi film never made?
Kim Stanley Robinson
I always thought Robinson's Mars Trilogy (Red, Green & Blue Mars) would make a good series of movies if it was done properly. But considering the wide scope of the books, it's highly unlikely that any movie or series could do it justice. And it's a lot of hard science, with just a couple of revolutions thrown in occasionally -- so there's probably not enough action there for mainstream consumption.
Still one of my favourite series of books though.
H Ross Perot Jr fails to grab rhino by the horns
For the record
The black rhino is the endangered one, not the white one, and I can assure you that while the rhinos are used to seeing the odd car drive by, they are far from tame. My uncle has a farm a couple of kms from Mkhuze so I've popped in there a couple of times.
Hunting tends to be used as a fund raising exercise mostly, but personally I'm still not very keen on the whole rifle/elephant-gun/cannon thing. A bow is more fair, but a sharp stick is the best!