* Posts by kimbjo

4 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Nov 2009

US weighs up probes for Apple ad biz checkup - report


Admob Wrong

Admob/Google are funny. Why does apple have an obligation to let google into their ecosystem? Does google let bing or other vendors into their ecosystem? is adsense an 'option' for the consumer?

Israel using Facebook as 'spying tool' in Gaza


Denial is a River in...Israel?

Doesn't Israel deny everything? Ownership of nuclear weapons? deny. Using depleted uranium? deny. Bombing UN building? deny.

How a Tory gov will be the most tech-savvy in history

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Tory, Labor, there's really no difference. Neither have ideas or convictions of their own other than the desire to stay in office. They will say or do anything to reach that goal. In other words, they're both the same homogeneous type of wanker.

Except maybe some of the Tory's have moats, and don't like gays as much.

T-Mobile backs into Android Marketplace

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Lies from T-Mobile

Who does T-Mobile think they are fooling?

1. They already have an app-store. It's called T-Zones. And they've been touting their developer program to compete with Apple for 2 years. Does this mean that T-zones is a failure?

2. If T-Mobile is an 'open' network, then why do they block my access to download ringtones directly from the mobile web? Oh what's that? to protect their own ringtone revenues? Yah open my ass!

Major Fail!