* Posts by dirgegirl

8 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Nov 2009

4chan founder bashes Facebook, Google+ on identity


I'm delighted to hear that my interacting with the internets has hitherto been meaningless! I suspected as much.


The point being made is (I believe) that no-one is FORCED to sign up for FB or G+. And that those companies are not under some sort of moral obligation to cater for the needs of confused and experimental teenagers, because they exist to make money, not shepherd adolescents into adulthood.

Why do these traders get billions to play with, unchecked?


The hobby horse won THAT race

To be fair, if Tim had written up his bookie analogy to that level of detail, I'd not have made it to the end of what was an excellent article.

Manchester cops hit Twitter - spoof feeds fall down stairs


Something in the water

Call 3003 Reports of four foot doll or robot on Princess Parkway near M56 - officers attend but nothing there #gmp24

Top lawmakers slam Google-Verizon 'net neut' scheme


Ch ch ch ch changes

Yeah, it's annoying that we in the West live so long nowadays, in such good health, with such an enormous amount of leisure. Apparently the only way to fill those endless hours is with doomwringing and handmongerging. I'm with Trevor Potts on this one, except I'm off for cocktails.

Revealed: Public sector's web gravy train


Apples with apples

On the surface the "twelve times" thing sounds shocking, but doesn't it rather depend on what the relative sizes of "average councils" and "average businesses" are in terms of budget, size of target market etc?

As others have pointed out, it's not surprising that budgets don't have much meaning in the public sector where no-one seems to be accountable when the bottom line hits negative figures.

Sony Reader PRS-600 Touch Edition


Well, I really like mine

Am about to go on a 6 week trip with 20kg baggage limits and a whole bunch of equipment to carry - this will be so much better than hauling around enough reading material to keep me going around the world.

The weight is perfect and the build quality is great. The touchscreen does not seem to smear up, and the page turn mechanism is very intuitive. It's a good thing that it needs a firm swipe in my view - saves losing your place when standing on a crowded double-decker.

I am not sure it's going to reach 7500 page turns though - mine ran low on batteries after the first 3 days and I was only half way through A Tale of Two Cities. Although I had been reading the Portlet 2.0 spec as well, which is enough to make any hardware weep.

EU block to Mandelson's filesharing laws removed


No broadband, no citizenship

According to a Reg article a couple of months ago (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/08/07/uk_net_refuseniks/) this would mean that persistent offenders actually became unpersons courtesy of the Digital Inclusion Tzarina, Martha Lane-Fox.

How about a crusade against illegal wife-sharers in the Westminster area?