Good review. Thanks.
I'm looking at purchasing a smart TV in Jan - hoping they'll be discounts!
32 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Nov 2009
Love the pace of the beatings you give naughty criminals.
Love the story and characters, especially the loon of a partner you have.
Love being the Doctor of Interrogation.
Well done Rockstar, LA Noire is better than loads of the other shit that's on the shelf at the mo.
Paris, because she needs the Dr. to interrogate her.
I don't get to play games these days, due to a 3 year old son and girlfriend who is anti console/PC/fun.
As a friend pointed out when I was considering buying Reach, wait until Black Ops is out.
He is of course right. If I can only sneak a couple of hours here and there during the week, I'd rather play that.
RH thank you.
Always a pleasure to be informed of what's going on.
It's been obvious to see recent changes to the site of late (most of which positive).
Publishers from my experience make changes without even consulting the people who matter most - the readers. These changes are usually made to fulfill the needs of ad people. So bravo!!
Keep up the good work and importantly keep us involved.
Having read a few reviews (those out earlier than this) most of which were positive, I purchased TC Conviction. Was I disappointed....?
Thought the co-op play was far more enjoyable than the solo experience - lacked creativity.
A solid game though, far worse out there at the mo.
DRM? What do you look for in a video game?
Sensible Soccer Forever.
Currently own a Panasonic TX-L32G10 32in which sits in the bedroom and I'm very pleased with it.
Having owned both Phillips and Sony LCD's in the past, Panasonic would be my recommended choice for those of you looking to buy.
This TX-P46G20 46in Plasma looks good and would certainly be on my shopping list.
What are you doing here, If you don't play video games?
If RH want to provide me with a game review, I'll consume and comment.
Personally think their actual 'Hardware' reviews are pretty good.
Gaming is hugely popular and I bet I'm not the only reader who owns a console?
Even if you only did buy the PS3 for the Blu-ray (You know who you are).
More game reviews and for those who don't play, please don't comment.
Gamers only please as I'm sure there are a few of us....
I own 360, Wii (Bowling at Christmas) and PS2 (SingStar at Christmas).
360 on last legs - couple of red lights - power cycle and we're good to go.
When it dies and as my 'Xbox Live' days are pretty much extinct.
I'm 36, fortunate to still have a better half and beautiful 3 year old son.
Its time for me to grow up and return to Sony - all about less noise. I have to much noise in my life now, so best if I can reduce it I will. Owned the original PS - and boy do I miss tilting it at just the right angle to load the games.....thanks Sony. Nothing like fond memories of my youth.
Sensible Soccer anyone....?
Whenever I have friends round they comment on the quality of sound my original Bose SoundDock puts out. I always take it on holiday, it moves from room to room and the garden in the Summer. Never had any issues with it, only when i jumped into a pool with the remote, however that only cost me £8 to renew.
If you want a portable speaker for your ipod, I would recommend Bose.