@Dana W
Yeah - 'cos Apple aren't patent trolls or anything.
13 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Nov 2009
Does nobody else think this reads more like a press release? A "customer" just happened to have some very unusual requirements for how we could hack their system. It just so happened we devised a neat solution that would get our name in the press.
Anyway, wouldn't a trojan mouse count as " gaining unauthorized physical access to computers"?
"But it's unavoidably going to be called, now and forever, FondleWindows." No it won't. It'll just be you.
What a dreadful article. Microsoft have come up with something really different in WP7/W8. I've not decided whether I like it or not, but it's certainly different. Yet somehow this is ripping off Apple "innovative" grid of icons?
Also, where can I get one of those "conductive screens" you mention at the top of page 2?
I've been trying to opt out of O2's regular text spam for months. Customer Services always tell me that this time I'm opted out but still the texts keep coming. Not all that often, but irritating.
Actually, not had one for a few weeks now. Maybe they finally managed it. Just before it all starts again.