You ruined the ending of his blog by revealing that he survived the ordeal so that he could blog about it.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Oct 2009
It's on 2 phones that might be quite nice but are only on O2 and are expensive to own. Even Windows Mobile is ahead in this respect. Why would I spend more on a Pre or Pixi when I can get an Android with loads more apps and a confirmed future.
Palm should have subsidised the handsets to get them into more pockets. More pockets means more users and more app customers. More app customers means more demand for apps and more developers for apps. etc etc.
... because I couldn't decide between the two after reading the two arguments.
I have to say though that I think the BCS has been quite good recently (thanks to some of the specialist groups). And as I work in ITSM the business side seems relevant to me. It's not meant to be a hobby club I don't think.
Since breaking the speed limit is against the law then what is wrong with using speeding motorists to fund local government? This means lower taxes for the rest of us. If you don't like it then you can choose to drive within the limits you agreed to when you received your driving licence. It's the democratic way.
I have just been shopping for some music and was frustrated by 20 or 30 second samples from random points on songs from emusic, amazon and iTunes. In many cases the opening seconds of a track is used which gives a poor idea of what the whole song sounds like.
In the end I found a site called trackitdown.net which provides the whole song. The clever thing is that it doesn't provide it all at once. You get an initial random sample but you can see a graphical representation of the whole thing and the option to jump to any point - just like listening to vinyl in a real shop. So you can hear the beginning, middle, end or any significant part before buying.
Shame is that they are more expensive than the other sites so I didn't buy anything - but I thought their preview model was excellent.
The first one took a short fall on Monday and the screen was trashed. Worringly so the base was also warped which makes me question the suitability for travel. However this also meant I could secure a quick replacement via my insurance.
My 2nd one has faster memory inside and what appears to be a duller screen.
As for the fan, there is a community developed tool that I found that lets you configure how oftent he fan comes on and this has made the machine much quieter.
1.5Kg is too heavy. I got an Acer 1810TZ which is about as large but 1.4Kg with 1366 screen, HDMI, Dual Core, 3 GB RAM, 8 hours battery and proper Windows 7 - none of this Starter Edition rubbish. This cost me under £450 with delivery.
Anything Atom should be 1.4Kg or lighter or much cheaper for it.
About glossy TV screens... New LED TVs have glossy backlit screens. I'm loving the screen on my Acer so much I want a similar type to replace my desktop's monitor too.