@2mins 20secs is that a...
Does Anton Shkaplerov use a Fing-Longer to adjust a control?
16 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Oct 2009
None of the pictures I have seen have done it any justice to how amazing it actually is.
The previous nights atempt had been cancelled due to what they called "Dynamic Weather" by the range officer.
I spent the evening out at KSC on the Causeway waiting for the launch with the cameras ready to get something. As we left the hotel for KSC the sky was clear all the way up but by the time we arrived the clouds were back and looking like they would try and scrub a second launch atempt. The SRB's light up and kick off a great cloud of smoke followed by what looks like the largest explosion in the world as the sky goes from black to white. The shuttle appears from behind the could slowly and rapidly moves way with what looks like flame throwers behind it. The sound hits about thirty seconds later.
ps. would like to apply for elReg's man on the scene for the last four launches.