Re: Absence of evidence
I wondered how long it would take a Liberal to start bashing Trump and Fox News. I find it amazing that Liberals find Bumbling Biden such a great President. Personally, I am leery of all politicians.
182 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2010
As far as I can tell everyone is subject ( to some extent) to every nations laws depending on the victim location and the method of executing the crime. Extradition is another story. Voting for the President is also another story in that you have to be a citizen of the US. If you are a citizen of the US you can be living in Russia (for example) and vote for the US President. Humor alert (some people don't have to be alive to vote for a Democrat.)
Why could the person acting as the safety driver not know all of the conditions necessary to drive safely? Does the job description "Safety Driver" not have meaning? The situation is the person is the driver and the computer is the assistant, similar to power steering or power brakes. Unfortunately, the pedestrian failed to be aware of her surroundings.
I am amazed that you was able to access The Register much less post a comment. You seemed to have NO knowledge of Hackers, Virus programs or even a rudimentary knowledge of the internet. On the list of insecure methods of voting, internet voting must surely be number one.
A very informative ( and correct) posting. The more ballots that are mailed the more fraud that will occur. Generally speaking, if anyone wants a mail-in ballot all they have to do is request one with the reason that they are physically unable to vote in person, or that they will be out of town (not able to go to the appropriate polling place) on election day. By requiring the potential voter to request a mail-in ballot this allows the Election office to verify the requesters valid registration.
Finally someone that recognizes the visual power of a clipboard. In the government job I previously held if any supervisory personnel came around emptyhanded you knew immediately he/she did not know what they were doing or what they were supposed to do. In a pinch a handful of papers would work.