If you bought a car and didn't read or learn the instructions on how to drive it, you'd almost certainly have an accident. If you buy a hoverboard and don't read the instructions, the same applies. Also, I'd no sooner buy a hoverboard for a kid and leave him to charge it overnight in his bedroom, than I'd buy him a loaded pistol or hand grenade to take to school.
I'm 88 years old and my knees are failing, but I get around fine on my hoverboard and I'm not a "douche-bag", as a previous article suggested. My board is very manoeuverable, much more portable and less intrusive in crowded places than a wheel-chair and it's safe (I carry a long walking stick to aid balance when out on it).
The instructions clearly state that it charges completely in 1 1/2 to 2 hours and that it should be unplugged soon after the green light appears on the charger, to prevent overheating. I also charge it outside, in a fireproof location.
Most of our leaders are glib, rather than being deep thinkers!