Re: Is intel stalling? [Yes, and miss directing]
I read it :)
166 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Oct 2009
On the face of it, Apple’s Battery Replacement Program lets you have the batteries replaced in almost all Apple devices, by their qualified engineers (Geniuses?) at a fairly reasonable cost.
But it’s not that simple.
First, you have to prove that, by their metrics, the battery needs replacing. And they will then only replace batteries on devices that they haven’t declared ‘Obsolete’ - which typically means 4 or 5 years old.
So in practice you have a small window - if any - between the battery falling before their threshold and it becoming ‘obsolete’. So you’re left with an otherwise perfectly functioning gadget that you must throw away - simply because it needs a new battery.
Almost no one can tell the difference between well encoded music at the 256kbps AAC format that Apple currently use, and 'lossless'.
So this could all be snake-oil
But it's the 'well encoded' bit that's the important thing. At the moment a lot of Apple Music is poorly ripped. If I compare the same album streamed from Apple Music to one I've ripped myself from a CD to the same AAC 256k, the difference is often night and day - especially with classical.
So hopefully in re-encoding Apple Music to a higher bitrate format, they will also take the opportunity to sort out their sometimes dreadful encoding quality.
It'll also be interesting to see what they do with their headphones. None of their existing wireless ones will play anything apart from AAC 256k. I can't see them adopting aptx. No one would be able to hear the difference, but I can't believe that Marketing would let them get away with not having a Hi-Res wireless solution...
The latest version of Apple's desktop operating system - macOS, lets you run iPhone apps if you are using it on a Mac with one of these new ARM-based M1 CPUs.
So I guess this is intended to allow iPhone app developers to test their apps work OK on a desktop Mac. - without going to the expense of buying one.The cheapest M1 Mac costs £699
+1 for John Farley. Here he is doing his thing in Switzerland. An old grainy video, but that take-off towards the mountains is extraordinary.
"I wish Microsoft - and other compiler vendors - would do the same.
NO. It KILLS open source! And it's anti-freedom.
FreeBSD and LINUX do it right. NO restrictions, compile it yourself. No need to download binaries unless you really want to."
That's a red herring! You can download Xcode from Apple for free, use it to compile software that you've got the source code for and run it on your computers.
And for Windows you can download 'Visual Studio Community' - which lets you do the same.
Sorry - late response, but just for completeness...
The developer signing certificate you get from Apple is valid for five years - not one.
On Both Windows and macOS, the certificate check is only carried out when the application is first run. So previously installed software doesn't suddenly stop working when its signing certificate expires.
"what do you mean ImageView shows up on someone's corporate laptop ? You don't call it corporate laptop if it's not properly managed. If the company believes there's business value in using that application, it will evaluate it, package it and deploy it in a secure manner."
You're right of course and for 90% of users that works fine. But there are always exceptions. Maybe the exceptions are carefully managed by Group Policy - but they're there nevertheless.
Funnily enough it always seems that 'Security' are the worst offenders. They give themselves permission to install some essential tool, and its still there years later - even after they're long gone and their laptop's being used by someone else.
I understand where Tony Pottier is coming from. He's written a great ImageView application, and he knows it does what its meant to, doesn't contain malware and that he's an honest guy.
But the snag is, no one else can assume this. There's a virus panic at some company in five years time and ImageView shows up on someone's corporate laptop. What are the IT department meant to think? Is it dodgy? Who knows??
At least for Macs, Apple have got this right. For £79 you can join their developer program - which, apart from everything else, gives you a Developer signing certificate you can sign as many of your applications as you want with. And that, coupled with their new notarization service lets you distribute trusted software to your customers that will run on their Macs with no warnings - without going anywhere near the Mac app store or paying anything else to Apple.
I wish Microsoft - and other compiler vendors - would do the same.
..... "We abruptly jump cut to a forest clearing in the year 802,701."
....."Eloi. These latter are all played by good-looking actors in their twenties"
..... "Synergize the crowdsource thoughtleader. Open the kimono: ducks in a row, but chilaxing cockapoos phub the black swan"
You'd have thought that language would have changed a bit, in the 800681 years elapsed since today :)
Yeah talk about Garbage In, Garbage Out(!)
They should have used Liszt's transcription as the source if they wanted a Piano Only version!
According to in the UK there's 7.1 pedestrian deaths per million population per year. Given a population of 66 million that's around 470 pedestrian fatalities.
That's 470 too many of course :(
"But surely you temp disable SIP to add drivers, then put it back on to keep yourself safe?"
Yes - that's exactly what you'd normally do - disable SIP, install your strange kexts then re-enable SIP.
I'm not sure why anyone would want/need to leave it permanetly disabled?
Part of the problem is that almost all of Apple's API/SDK help these days is auto-generated from Markup in comments in the source code. What Apple refer to as 'Quick Help'
So the whole system is entirely dependant on how clearly and accurately the (Apple) developer comments their code. There are obvious pitfalls to this(!). Programmers usually aren't technical authors. And often the code gets updated - or new methods get added without the comments being updated - so the whole thing gets less and less reliable.
Xcode provides basic templates for this that you can use - if you know about them. But many people don't as Xcode itself isn't very well documented.
Apparently that's an Urban Myth, and swans are actually starving to death because people have stopped feeding them bread because of it.
Yes - I've never understood what they mean when they say 'water = power'
Firstly they'd have to extract the water - in minute quantities - from piles of arid lunar rock. To do that they'd presumably crush it, heat it up, then cool the vapour into water? That would take a lot of power.
Then, once they've got the water, what then? They could electrolyze it into hydrogen & oxygen. But that would take more power than they'd eventaully get back by burning it back to water.
Or they could maybe extract a tiny amount of heavy water from it, and use the neutrons to bombard the piles of Uranium 235 that they'll find lying around (?!)
What am I missing?
" ... so what's the latest greatest new thing?"
The newest iPhones have amazing facial mapping capability. They use it for Face Id, but it can be used in any apps that need to recognise faces.
They also have amazing 'Augmented Reality' features builit into their custom processors.
Combining these two amzaing new technologies gives us 'Animojis'. So you can create a cartoon turd that talks, smiles, blinks and winks when you do.
And now, with the latest version of iOS it can even stick its tongue out!
** Sigh! **
I really like Swift - it's overtaken Delphi as my Favourite Language™
But it does sound awfully like they're trying to patent the UCSD P System (!)
Back in the day I got sent on a Lisa software development course/conference - in Bolton (UK) of all places.
I can't remember if it was an official 'WWDC' thing - but various Apple bigwigs were there - including John Sculley I seem to recall.
Software for it - including much of the operating system - was written in a dialect of Object Pascal. I felt that the GUI, Mouse etc. were all a bit clunky, slow and 'pointless'. The thing that amazed me at the time was the ProFile 'Winchester' hard disk - 5Mb seemed almost infinte at the time!
"Mean while, they could at least make the dam images interesting."
Something like Kitten War? Match the three cutest kittens to proceed. I should patent that!
Kind of. The original Delphi used a Thunk table to find the object instatnce for a Window. Later versoins used/use the regular GetProp/SetProp Windows APIs for this
I'm guessing they used a Thunk table because much of Delphi was inherited from Borland Pascal - which had a pre-Windows API window library - OWL - which also used Thunks.
The Thunk tables were very architecure dependant, and didn't work too well with Warp...
"Alas, the Tesla museum ran out of funds and shut down in the late 90's/early 2000's. It has since been refitted and reopened, but I don't know if they still have the same demonstrations as I saw"
I visited it last December. They still had those demonstrations - including the Light Sabre flourescent tubes.
Well worth a visit
"the Falcon 9 performed nominally"
This always slightly irritates me. Why do these Space types always say 'nominally' when they mean 'as intended' or even 'normally''?
Nominally: adverb
1. by or as regards name; in name; ostensibly:
"He was nominally the leader, but others actually ran the organization."
"What it doesn't mean is that WontGoAllTheWay Records will then visit every record shop in the country, remove all unsold records, and then visit every house and remove every SOLD record too.
Yet that is exactly what is happening here."
To be fair to Apple (gulp!) it's not exactly what's happening here.
If you buy a movie from ITunes and download it, the downloaded copy is linked to your Apple Id - so you can play it as long as Apple still exist, and you remember your Apple Id password. The Studio - or WontGoAllTheWay can't do anything to 'revoke' your already downloaded copy.
"NASAs biggest problem is Congress"
If JFK hadn't been assassinated, I wonder if Apollo would have cancelled before they got to the moon at all - maybe after the Apollo 1 fire.
But once he'd been killed, no one in Congress dared to besmirch his legacy by shutting down his pet project..
Maybe an unintended consequence of that dreadful day was to result in a giant leap for mankind.