* Posts by MS Rocks

67 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Oct 2009


Internet retail tax threshold 'probably irrelevant'

MS Rocks


Yup, the harsh reality is that Aussie retailers are lazy, inefficient whiners who expect to be handed a living on a plate. I do a lot of diving. The moment you mention that stuff is expensive here compared to buying on the internet you get lots and lots of posts from retailers saying things like ‘if you buy from the internet we will go out of business and then there will be nowhere to get your tanks filled’. Their only response to conversations about the cost of things is to issue threats. Well guess what, there are lots and lots of dive shops in the UK and the US, all of whom seem to stay in business whilst selling stuff at reasonable prices. The Aussie approach is both short sighted and stupid. Sooner or later an internet retailer will come along and put all of these amateur operations out of business by offering reasonable pricing. And guess what? Supply and demand will ensure there are always people locally prepared to sell you an air fill.

iPad's biggest rival? Microsoft's dead Courier

MS Rocks

yeah, right........

This article is written by someone who headed Ubuntu. When it comes to MASSIVE fails, surely Ubuntu must take the biscuit? They have been unsuccessful competing against MS Windows, even though their product costs nothing. I mean, they have, quite literally, proven that they cannot successfully give their products away for free. Way to go Matt. I am sure that your track record gives you a lot of credibility with the powers that run MS………

Microsoft has shifted 1.5 million Windows phones

MS Rocks

and in other believable stories....

a friend of mine was given 7 solid gold androaid phones by google. After 3 days of using them, he became depressed and developed an alchohol habit. And all his friends laughed at him for owning crappy android phones. So he threw them in the river and bought a WinPhone 7 for $100,000. He now has lots more friends and is married to a supermodel. So there.

Viewsonic ViewPad 7 Android tablet

MS Rocks


The 2nd photo, page 1. I got that far before giving up. The OS looks like a childs toy. It is horrible, disgusting. Why do freetards deem this kind of rubbish to be acceptable? If you want a decent UX buy MS or Apple. Ignore this Google rubbish. It will die soon.

Hands on with the new Apple MacBook Air

MS Rocks


Looks like OK hardware although quite overpriced. The acid test is whether you can run a decent OS on it (i.e Win 7 Pro) so you can actually do some worthwhile work with it. Otherwise it is just another shiny toy for apple victims and school kids to get excited about.

Was Ozzie's head in the clouds as rivals stole his role?

MS Rocks

@ Yet Another Anonymous Coward

"MS has a single product , MS Office - and the Windows/Exchange/SQL server licenses that go with it, that makes all their money"

Err, yeah, and of course a couple of other product lines like, for example, SharePoint, SQL, Development Tools, Xbox etc. All of which are billion dollar businesses in their own right and thus make more money every couple of minutes than you will make in your life......

Acer Stream Android smartphone

MS Rocks

Why would anyone buy this....

.......when Windows Phone 7 is just around the corner?

Google plots pre-Christmas Chrome OS iPad killer

MS Rocks


Google say they will be able to sell these devices quite cheaply.

This is because if you buy one, they will be able to capture information about how you spend your time online and the sites you visit. They will then offer this information about your online activities to the highest bidder, who will use the information to try to sell you things you do no need.

Google are EVIL. I would rather eat my own liver than buy one of their crappy products.

Ballmer's 'lost generation' note finds resonance

MS Rocks

@ David Willis

You wrote about MS ‘Well to be fair their current windows licencing agreement is a joke (you can only run windows on 2 processors, how's that work with a core 4 ?), they consistantly over price their product, completely missed potential new markets (mobile phones), and have the usual idoit suits trying to front the company.’

A couple of points.

•MS license by physical processor and do not care how many cores are in that physical processor. Thus your statement is wrong.

•You say they over price. Hmmm. May be you are paying four times as much money as you actually need to because you do not understand the licensing model.

•You say MS completely missed new markets like mobile phones. Well, I was running around with a windows mobile device that had email/a browser in 2005, well before iPhone or Android were even rumored. Admittedly, MS got complacent and too their eyes off the ball, but they, along with RIM and Symbian, were one of the early innovators in the market.

So, in summary, you need to get your facts right……

Microsoft biz stars won't shine in Wall Street web show

MS Rocks

yeah, irrelevant.....

Hah hah,

That will be the same Microsoft that sold ten copies of Windows per second last quarter, posted record annual earnings of $62.5 BILLION and posted net income of $18.8 BILLION which is, I think, the largest annual profit an IT company has ever made.

Yup, they are really struggling.

And as for the initial poster, you need to check your facts. For example, if you read the company reports, Xbox not only outsold the PS3 this quarter (which is hardly news anymore), it also outsold the Wii, which IS news as the Wii targets a much lower price point.

What the spanners that post on this site fail to realize is that MS is fundamentally an enterprise software company – it makes its money from selling to businesses. It has some consumer businesses, but the MONEY comes from enterprise customers. Windows is deployed on more servers within the enterprise than any other server OS. There is more SQL Server deployed than any other database. SharePoint is the most popular portal solution on the planet. Exchange has more users than any other email application in existence. Fifty percent of enterprise developers use Visual Studio as their primary tool.

Yet time and time again you hear the same naïve muppets trotting out the line that MS is screwed.

Google open-source boss comes clean on Android

MS Rocks

Nice photo.

How anyone can take anything seriously from a guy that looks like that is quite beyond me. Bet you a tenner he has a full length leather overcoat.

A decade to forget - how Microsoft lost its mojo

MS Rocks

@ Jake

Oh no! Really - you will stop accepting contracts? That will certainly spell the end of MS, their stock price will plummet as soon as the NASDAQ opens.

And I sure your customers will not be feigning anything when they appear to be interested as you go through 'in excruciating detail' why you will not be working on MS projects.

Ten years of .NET - Did Microsoft deliver?

MS Rocks

@ Mike Bell 2

Hah hah, I AM a salesman but that means I actually talk to real, live customers about what they actually going to do.

As opposed to being some pathetic techie sat by himself in a dingy basement imaging what it would be like if he had a girlfriend and hypothothising about why Linux is better than Windows (ring any bells?)

And as for your last point, I have never come across a large company that does not use Windows as a server platform. Sure they might use Unix/Linux as well, but they sure as hell will be using Windows alongside it. And I am talking about proper, big companies. Not two bit little minnows of the type that you probably (just) managed to get a job with.

Honestly, some people on this site think they know what they are talking about wheras in reality they know absolutely fark all.

MS Rocks

@ Darren Bell

You have obviously never sold anything in your life. Customers could not give a toss what platform the application runs on - they are buying an application not an ethical debate about platforms.

And if you are a 'commercial company' developing an app it makes commercial sense to create it using the most productive development environment (i.e Visual Studio) and target it towards the most widely adopted platform (Windows).

Android 2.0: what to expect

MS Rocks

@ C3

Hmmmm, perhaps he dislikes the fact that everything he potentially does online with his shiny android handset will be captured by Google and the information gleaned used to push unwanted products down his throat. Puts me off. The ‘do no evil’ crowd are basically a bunch of advertising sales people and the bulk of the consumers of their products are just too dumb to realise it.

Windows 7 soars while Mac OS X trips online

MS Rocks

@Simon Banyard

hah hah hah classic!!!!!! So Windows is an unprofitable franchise for MS then? Urrrrrrrrr yeaahhh.......

Windows 95 to Windows 7: How Microsoft lost its vision

MS Rocks

What a stupid article....

If I get in a car made in 1995 it does not look that much different to a car made in 2009. Sure, there are some improvements in the mechanical and aesthetic aspects of the car, but these are evolutionary rather than revolutionary.

It is the same with pretty much any established product. My stereo looks/works pretty similar to what it did in 1995. My home phone is a dead ringer for the 1995 model. The aircraft I fly on are the same. My TV is a similar deal, sure, it is now thinner, but it does the same job.

Win 3.1/95 created the industry standard for how people would interact with a personal computer via a GUI. The standard has been refined over time – but one would expect evolution rather than revolution. As this is what we have got.
