Yup, the harsh reality is that Aussie retailers are lazy, inefficient whiners who expect to be handed a living on a plate. I do a lot of diving. The moment you mention that stuff is expensive here compared to buying on the internet you get lots and lots of posts from retailers saying things like ‘if you buy from the internet we will go out of business and then there will be nowhere to get your tanks filled’. Their only response to conversations about the cost of things is to issue threats. Well guess what, there are lots and lots of dive shops in the UK and the US, all of whom seem to stay in business whilst selling stuff at reasonable prices. The Aussie approach is both short sighted and stupid. Sooner or later an internet retailer will come along and put all of these amateur operations out of business by offering reasonable pricing. And guess what? Supply and demand will ensure there are always people locally prepared to sell you an air fill.