Windows 7 > Windows Vista
I've been using Windows 7 since beta, over release candidate and am now running the RTM for over 2 months (MAPS user here). I have to say I'm very impressed with the OS upto now.
I have 2 computers that I use extensively, a desktop with WindowsXP (ofcourse) and a laptop with Vista (preinstalled SOB).
First I installed Win7 beta on the laptop (I really wanted to get that Vista out of there) and all went smooth. Then I installed the RC on the laptop (upgrade) and on the desktop aswell (clean install).
about 2 months, with the arrival of the RTM versions, I installed Win7 Ultimate 64bit on the desktop and Win7 Professional 64bit on the laptop.
Everything works as expected there are only 2 pieces of hardware that don't work anymore (Dymo labelprinter with unsupported USB and my good old 4 port Promise SATA TX4). So far, all software (including games) installed and worked flawlessly, even on the 64bit OS.
Interface is good, only have a little beef with the Explorer: I want my bottom status bar back !!! Why did they remove this ? When I'm browsing a disk, and don't have anything selected, I want to see how much space is left on that disk. When I select stuff, I want to know how big it is without pushing ALT+Enter to find out. These features were in XP, don't see a reason to not have them in Win7.
Ah, and the other thing: when you enable hidden and system files, and then try to delete a folder with a movie in it, it always always always makes it very difficult: first it can't delete the thumb files it created, then it can't find them and then, when it works, it needs admin permissions: this needs to be fixed.
Overall, Win7 is the first MS OS since WinXP which I would sell to people. In the last 3 years I have not sold 1 pc with Vista on it.