"prone to stress and bending when placed in tight spaces such as pants pockets"
keeping a phone in you pants is maybe going a little too far on the security front. Must have been a battle in there!
18 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Oct 2009
Assuming enough of the right people and teams get to move over, I expect the former IBM x86 world to really have a chance to shine now that it will be part of company that actually wants it.....oh and it does not have to worry about upsetting other parts of IBM....*cough* power
like so many of these hip and modern things.. who cares about the camera, the lens, the special type of artificial snow..... show me the film! So they taped a camera (which happens to be in a phone) to a lens.... next...
unless you are a camera operator at which it becomes I suspect a case of. very nice toy for a student project. next...
I think the comparison with the Elgin marbles is a bit off target.. Greek historic pieces being nabbed could be said to be Greek and demanded back.....but a map drawn by a visitor was hardly ever the ownership of any Aus inhabitant...
sorry Aus but asking nicely might be more appropriate...