Re: No surprise there then
That eternally menstruated bird from twilight yuk!!
11 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Oct 2009
2% or not the CO2 emmisions from Industry and our over consumption are wrecking the environment for our generations to come. Our attitude is contributing to melting of polar caps, the consequences of such unchecked damage to the environment would be anything but catastrophic, so please think of others and think of your kids , grandkids and their kids.
Here in UK we have the bastards at EE billing that think that a random click in a popup window of a browser is sufficent justification for them to sign up people to Buongiorno's service that places three to four micro charges on a users bill randomly every month. On threatening them with a complaint to OFCOM and spreading the word on social media they instantly appologiseput a stop to the charges and give a refund. In hindsight I should have sued them.
when buying big name chinese goods paying good money gets you good qualty but invaribly you always get a substandard service at a high cost when sourcing services from India and as for India being an ally why didn't you so before we would have held the door to let more of you Indians in afterall there just such an abundance of Jobs here for Brtish workers.