Re: So what?
YouTube has ads? Huh.
1068 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Oct 2009
I can't even get 1709 to install on my stick PC despite repeated attempts. And the failure doesn't give anything remotely resembling a useful error message. I need to find the time to wrestle with the shitty BIOS so I can convince it to boot off a Linux thumb drive and make the machine actually useful again.
With all these comments about small children, I want to know who all these parents are that (A) fail to teach their kids basic road safety; and (B) allow their kids anywhere remotely near a road without holding their hands until they're old enough to have learned?
I'm frankly pretty fed up with the calls to wrap the whole world in cotton wool because some parents are too stupid to actually parent.
My PC even cold boots in about a quarter the time my phone does, thanks to a nice fast SSD. And then once the phone is booted I have to wait some more while it initialises things and faffs about with memory. I could start my desktop, read the email, reply, and shut down in less time than it would take just to start my phone and open the email on it. All with the comfort of a proper keyboard, too. No, a phone is what you use for emergency access when you're away from your real computer.
"Every tax payer wants certain services to exist and wants them paid for by the other tax payers"
On a national level, with a sovereign currency, that's not really how tax works. Tax isn't raised to pay for government spending although it's often framed that way, the government owns the currency and mints and can spend as much as they like. Government spends money into existence. Tax is a mechanism to remove money from circulation so spending new money into existence doesn't cause too much inflation. This is why a government budget is not like a business or household budget and should not be managed like one.
Non-sovereign governments, however, such as states and cities, do have to raise the money they spend in one way or another. This includes taxes, fines, fees, duties, and direct grants from the national government.
"The truth is to non Americans outside America it's very difficult to tell what you call Democrats apart from what you call Republicans."
So far as I've been able to tell, they've got a conservative, religious, big-business-oriented right wing party, and a REALLY conservative, religious, big-business-oriented right wing party.
This has been coming for a long time, and those who think it should not have been released have obviously forgotten how the internet works. There is no security through obscurity, once a tool like this exists it is guaranteed to be in the wold sooner rather than later. Yes, yes, you can make your neighbour look bad, child porn uses, etc etc. That's all beside the point. No point in wringing your hands over it. The only thing we can do is adapt to its existence. In fact, release of this app should make stuff like "revenge porn" less of an issue rather than more - if an ex releases a genuine video of you, you can easily point to this app and say "Not me, clearly made up."
"Most of the appeal of GoT is the scheming and intrigue, lifted from European history. Until the most recent series, the fantasy elements have sat on the periphery"
Which I guess is why it turned out boring as shite and I ended up dumping it after a couple of seasons. No I don't care who's screwing who or whose family has a ten generations old rivalry with another. I want magic blowing shit up and dragons setting fire to things.