lol Sugarhill Gang FTW - I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that....
20 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Oct 2009
Glad I made the choice to stay on the "Old Fashioned" 4 injections a day. I know pumps work for a lot of people but for someone like me who engages in a lot of physical activity including martial arts it's just not practical. I can use this latest "wireless hack" as yet another reason when the docs try to force me onto the pump!!
I would assume we are all professionals here, so here's an idea to chew on...
1) No matter what OS you're running - Someone will ALWAYS create a way of exploiting it
Hell, those pesky aliens in Indepandance day flew 50 million light years to have a computer virus installed on them by pesky humans lol....
*Paris - cos come on....she gotta be infected, exploited and more.
...but in my opinion what use is it without parental supervision and education to actually tell the little darlings what is wrong and right. While i'm all for stopping deviants "grooming" kids and stuff like that, maybe if parents actually parented kids would be safer anyway? Of course there are parents out there who look out for their kids and monitor what they do and give advice on "dont talk to strangers" etc but many just let the kids go on the computer and do what they want. Like AC said, if this was a serious effort, add an add in to a browser. Or even better, ban kids from using the internet haha (joke of course)
just my opinion...
Don't forget that free utilities for "wiping" hard drives are not fool proof as. Yes you would have to be seriously dedicated to get data back off hdd's that have been wiped using US-DOD or Guttman algorithms however it IS possible to recover data. My advice, should you really wanna delete things off a hard drive, you need thermite!! hahahaha, saying that, you really wanna get rid of stuff off your hard drive, what the hell have you been watching/viewing/downloading that you dont want finding....nuff said.
Paris, because no matter how much she wipes, she still aint clean
Im completely Bias and hate apple (and windows to a slighly lesser extent) so I laugh at all the fanboi's that ran out and got their new electronic wet dream. I do agree with the fact this could have happened to any new kit tho, just so happens to be AT&T with links to apple.
Righty, im off back into my underground cave! tata for now
Unfortunately Im one of the poor buggers that because of the organization I work for we are resellers for fasthosts, so effectively everytime they screw up and loose email/hosting services, i get about 30 businesses who use their services call me up saying why can they not get emails....
Here's hoping the company I work for gets their collective 3 brain cells together and moves providers!!
Oh, they are making me redundant 1 week before Christmas also....strokers!!
I Agree completely mate, Like you say, I have sympathy as nobody deserves that type of thing but it's completely stupid to blame a web site for ignorance and lack of common sense. As a child, my parents always told me "Don't talk to strangers, Don't accept sweets or get in a car etc etc"
Then when we got a computer with the internet my mum said, albeit jokingly "You're not been groomed" are you. She said it as a joke but the serious message was still there. This was coming from my mother. The woman who had NEVER touched a computer in her life, had no idea or interest in how they worked. Parents need to start taking responsibility for their actions. It's right, its a sad sick world we are living in but there ARE things you can do to protect yourselves and your family. Just my 2 penneth....
Downloaded and installed it about 30 mins after it was available on the website. Installed it to a clean partition on my hard drive. No problems whatsoever for me :) Dead chuffed, found all of my hardware and everything works as it should. If anyone is getting issues, I would strongly suggest bearing with it. Yes you may be having problems but remember this is completely FREE, no nasty licences, completely open source so I personally believe that a bit of teething trouble at the start is no reason to shy away from Ubuntu :) Microsoft sucks lol.
I love the fact how when someone in government hears about the evils of file sharing by such and such a program or file hosting server it becomes massive news. Only downfall of them is that nearly everyone else has been using these programs/servers for a good few years and it just makes the government people look stupid. Luddites! I agree with many of the comments above. I download music, I'm also a collecter of albums so I buy many many genuine CD's. However when I see a CD that is deemed as "Special Edition" because it has 2 more songs on it but costs £25+...am I a freetard for downloading the 2 extra songs I like. I don;t think there is a right or a wrong answer on this one. Piracy happens. Fact. It will continue to happen.
*Paris - Because she doesn't mind you downloading her movies"