Hey pharmacy
I saw the article title and thought "eh? I use Hey pharmacy" and then the article wasn't about Hey at all! So was it an obscure pun? I hope so cause it worked and got my attention.
1003 publicly visible posts • joined 16 May 2007
To me, it seems quite logical. Imagine you're doing a large render of something in Blender. At the moment on my rig, I'm using 1-2% CPU usage just having a browser open and typing this. With P and E cores, all the Blender stuff can be offloaded to the P core, all the background stuff (OS, AV etc.) can be stuck onto the E cores, this frees up the P cores to use 100% of their CPU instead of the 90+% that is only available because of background tasks,
I'm not sure how rendering works, it's just an example, but it could be that the renderer itself has tasks which do not require the full P core, these can be offloaded to an E core whilst the P core continues with the high load stuff. Of course, this wouldn't be as powerful as having ALL the cores as P cores, but how often do you use your CPU at full whack anyhow? The E cores should be more than capable of handling all general daily usage and only use the P cores for bursts which should allow a reduction in electricity usage, and as my gas and electric bill has just doubled, every little helps.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't a banana with peel a dressed banana? If you had a banana without the peel then it would be naked, so putting clothing over the clothing of a banana makes it like that episode from friends. Then again, could you take the peel off a banana and put on a dressing of chocolate sprinkles and then describe it as a dressed banana. Also, typing banana this much is really hard!
BTW, why did I think it was April first?
My jacket has a liner with a phone pocket inside, but it's a liner so I remove it to prevent boiling in this lovely British weather. Instead it's 4 pockets which I then use as a memory aid of "did I remember to bring...?"
Top left, phone, bottom left, mask for when I go into a shop/station (not to rob, honest), top right, wallet, bottom right front door keys and bike keys.
Soon as I go out the door, or even before, I can tap each pocket and if something isn't there, I know I've forgot something and know what it is I've forgotten. As the phone is top pocket I can wear in ear buds for long distance rides and if I need GPS, I stick on my old Nokia (Windows phone) onto a handlebar mount
Cornwall was funded by the EU from 2011, 95% are able to get speeds > 30Mb, 55% speeds over 100Mb and 18% are FTTH/P. I know this as I live in Cornwall and currently get 300Mb but can get 1Gb if I decided I wanted to pay (which I don't).
Obviously Cornwall voted to leave the EU and are down almost £700m in funding over the next 10 years.
Check your spam folder mate, you'll find lots and lots of emails on this subject, claiming to have taken over your webcam whilst you were taming the trouser snake. Older folks who need to take the blue pill to augment their reality may fall victim to such a scam, especially if their favourite websites require verification from TPTB.
In other words, it's a stupid idea, though not as stupid as thinking I have a webcam pointed at my trouser snake.
As you may have noticed, I sent you an email in your account.
That means I have full access to your device and accounts. I've been watching you through the face recognition software on the s3x sites you have been visiting.
Send $699 in BTC or I post the videos to your social media.
.... calling it now, those are the next generation of emails, though they may even spoof westminster emails instead.
Replying to myself, I need more friends. My maths is wrong, watching House M.D. (the episode with the Dominatrix woman) I realised my basic error, BT doesn't have 121,000,000 meters, they have 121,000,000 kilometres. Redoing my maths and yes, the poster far above is correct, it is 2.4 trillion.
No person should be shamed of sex or nudity, though if you saw me nude you'd really regret that stance.
But, here is the thing, no person other than myself has the right to display me nude, I could take a million photos of myself naked and post them to "omfg.how.horrible.com.net.org", nobody though has the right to take my photo from "diy.plastic.surgery.net.org.uk.com" and then remove my clothing.
There are plenty of women I would love to see naked, the odds of me ever seeing them naked are along the lines of 0.000000000000000%, this does not give me the right to create fake images of them naked, it also doesn't give me the right to view images of them naked that they didn't give permission to be published (i.e. the fappening).
Respect yourself, respect other people, how can that be complicated?
Most of them (like the IOC and FIFA) end up in Switzerland where neutrality is kinda their thing, it's also where the web came from (CERN) so there is no reasonable reason for international committees to head over to the Swiss and be out of the reach of American/Chinese/European politics.
I'll point you to :
Lists figures from the cdc and fda etc. to show that if you want to die, eat American food. There we no recorded deaths from Salmonella (that thing that chickens have) in the UK from 06-15, around 360 a year in the US. As for which is superior, uhh, you can draw your own conclusions there.
As stated above, the reason it's banned in the EU isn't because the practice itself is bad, it's because it may be used as a precursor to a lowering of hygiene standards further back along the line. Why have super effective hygiene methods when at the end you're going to wash the birdie in a swimming pool.
Because we don't wash the chickens like this, we need to ensure that proper standards are kept through the entire food chain, not just at the end, the BBC did show some statistics on food poisoning and you're much more likely to suffer it in the US than in the UK.
They probably did vote leave during the referendum, they just can't (or don't want to) accept the result so want it to change. I have accepted that even though I voted remain the majority voted to leave so Article 50 must be pushed through, even if it's a giant clusterfuck which will affect the younger generations (who were unable to vote) for the rest of their lives.
LTT did a video on this, they gave it to their Apple loving designer chappie to have a play with, at the end the designer chappie asked if they could keep it. You know you're doing something right when designers who adore Mac's and buy everything Apple wants to keep a Microsoft product (even with it's shortcomings).
I think your position actually works with my position. With so many companions it's very hard for the Doctor to assert herself and be all Doctory, some of the Doctor roles are taken by the other three characters which in itself gives the Doctor less to do. The storylines themselves are pretty strong, they just get diluted because it stops being a story about the Doctor and starts to be a story about the companions with the Doctor.
It is however true that they keep playing the "I'm now a female, if I were male things would be so much different" card but it does give us a different take on the series, how would the Doctor cope with things if the Doctor regenerated without a penis to lead the way. Could they have gone with a much stronger female lead? Possibly, but I think no matter which female actress played the Doc there would still be the whole "Dr Who Gone SJW!!!" videos with demands the Doctor grow a penis. Maybe if the Doctor decided that instead of wanting to be friends with everyone, she wanted to kick arse we would have different storylines maybe.
Only problem I have with the current Doctor is that even though critics love it, the ratings are higher than they have been in years (consistently higher, reaching Tennant levels of consistency) and the stories are "fresher", is that people hate it simply because it's a female Doctor and she tackles actual historical issues like Rosa Parks, and anyone that disagrees with them is wrong.
I think the new Doctor is pretty good, the stories themselves feel diluted because she has too many companions so we don't see enough of her being all Doctory, three companions is only one more than having two companions but it just feels like too many. Give her one companion who she can bounce off and we may see a stronger character driven story, currently I think it's gone the total opposite of Clara where she became a stronger character than the actual Doctor.
I would assume that the twenty-something girl (or guy, no sexism here) would set their filters for the age range they are looking for (twenty-something) so no matter how much her/his father/mothers friends "super liked" them, it wouldn't show up as their filters wouldn't (shouldn't) show people aged outside their requested age bracket.
It means nothing in China because it's generally blocked in China, something to do with the Chinese government not liking people posting lots of photos of cats and memes or something like that. Conversly, the Chinese social media platforms are not platforms outside of China so for Chinese brands in China to promote content outside of China they need to use Twitter/Insta/MySpace.
Loose I can handle, even Choose instead of Chose, I can put up with there instead of their or they're, I can even put up with "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". But why in the name of all that is holy do people write paid as payed! I swear, every time a person writes payed instead of paid, they should be forced to watch the entire twilight film series in one sitting, then they will have payed their due.......... oh fu.....
Every 1 minute there are 24000 minutes of video uploaded to Youtube, so at any one time they will need to have 24k people watching Youtube videos to check them for copyrighted content
No. They will need to have automated filtering for copyright content, and once notice has been served that copyright infringements have occurred the filter must update so if anyone else tries to upload that copyrighted material the system will automatically flag it.
Why doesn't Google like this? Look at the thousands or millions of videos that use copyright material. Every single rickroll video on YT would be removed due to a copyright claim from RA, once a video is uploaded the system rejects it so YT gets no advertising money from the video, channels whose entire identity is based on using other peoples content will vanish, some of them have millions of subscribers so millions of adverts served that dents YT's profits.
None of this is about content creators, the content creators are the ones with the copyright claims, this is about money, money and more money.
I was using Opera with Ublock Origin installed, it's a nice enough browser but every update would see them adding their own items to the start page, and if your own start page link was, for instance, Amazon, Opera would somehow find it appropriate to change your link to an affiliate link. Same for any site they have affiliate links for.
Because of that I switched to Edge, sure it has some pretty annoying quirks but you can install Ublock Origin and it doesn't try to hijack your links, or put links you delete back onto your start page.
@Nosher - True, and I do use Chinese websites to buy cheap tat, I mean stuff. You however didn't take into account the Great Firewall Of China which means the Chinese people are a literal captive audience who can't really use Google or post pictures of their democratic march against the price rises of soya beans at their local Starbucks on twitter.
In a country with 440m households and a billion people, along with state sponsored online services, any local grown industry is going to be big
@ StargateSg7 - I'm also on a 300Mb line with PlusNet in the UK, that wasn't the point of my post though, you just need to read other posts on this site to find examples of the FTTC changing the rules on what superfast broadband is or how it is measured to find it a tongue in cheek post.
Nono, the US telcos will lobby that they are falling behind China, France, North Korea (why not?) and require billions of dollars from the government so they will be able to upgrade their networks so everyone in the country can access super fast 20Mb interwebs, then spend all the money on explaining why they can't upgrade their systems to compete with other countries.
Though speaking less silly, the internet speed of China doesn't matter to the US, they don't tend to have social media or search engines or such that can compete with US companies due to language barriers or high import taxes (or government censorship), all the major companies are currently American (Google, Ebay, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter) and people are not likely to switch away from them so there isn't the pressure from these companies to lobby the government, they already won the competition.
On the 52% and the warnings - how many of the warnings have actually come true ???
You mean the warnings about what will happen after Brexit? How many have come true? Technically none because Brexit has not occurred yet, we're still part of the EU. Now that wasn't so hard to work out, ask another easy question.
How do they actually define dangerous? is it just goods that have a recall notice or are likely to explode? If you look on some sites for instance, you'll find motorcycle helmets which are not approved for the use in Europe (usually have the American DOT mark), so if a copper pulls you over and you have the DOT mark and not the ECU mark they can actually give you a ticket for not wearing a helmet, so would that be covered as dangerous goods by virtue of it not being legal to use on European roads?
Because Brexit = Brexit, it doesn't mean "leave but keep all the advantages that we have when we're part of the EU". The majority voted, this is what they voted for, for us to leave the EU and the EU institutions because some guy with a foreign sounding name (Farage and the like) come over here and do jobs for minimum wage that lazy twats over here refuse to do because it's hard work.
@Voyna i Mor
I do agree with you, it would be a silly idea for Iran to nuke Israel, but as Westerners we can't really fathom the hatred that exists over there, there are countries that would risk their own destruction just to destroy Israel. One of the reasons Israel gives for them not wanting Iran to have the nuke is because Iran has stated they want to wipe Israel off the map and the easiest way to do that is with nukes.
The area is a bit of a powder keg, you give Iran the nuke and then Israel launches attacks on Iranian positions in Syria, or launches a virus onto their nuclear research facilities, or blows up one of their facilities - which they have done in the past - and Iran suddenly gets trigger happy.
We do not want Iran having the nuke, we don't want any countries having nukes, the US has shown that we can have batshit crazy people with their finger on the trigger, you know we're screwed when the US president is more insane than the North Korean leader.
He failed to live up to the agreements of the accords by pulling out of them, there is no exclusivity clause in that statement, both are inherently true.
Why would it be bad if Iran gets the nuke? Because the odds are pretty high that they would use that nuke on Israel. The accord was put in place to try and ensure the middle east didn't become a desolate nuclear wasteland, Iran went as far as they could go in that agreement, any further and they would have rejected it and continued their strides towards becoming nuclear armed. Now what? The accord goes and Russia/China step in to fill the void and Iran becomes a nuclear power?
As for being anti-semitic, no, I just don't believe Israel should have a get out of jail free card for everything they do, they used their win of the Eurovision (the song for peace) in military propaganda about killing people with American planes.
At the end of the day, history will be the judge on Trump, a one term president who only got elected because the person he was going against was even less palatable than him, hey, who should we vote for, Hitler or Mussolini?
He has failed to follow agreements that have been set down with many partners from many countries. He pulled out of the Paris accord because he wants Americans to die from pollution related diseases. He pulled out of the Iran accord because he didn't like it, even though Iran was keeping to the accord. Now the sane countries are trying to keep that accord going because the alternative is Iran working on their own nuke. Now he wants Korea to believe he'll live up to any agreement he had made?
He went against the peace accords for Palestine and stated that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel (it isn't) which totally screws up an oppressed state which is constantly violated with human rights abuses (but any time it's brought up in the UN with a condemnation, the US vetoes it)
Oh, and he's made the rest of the world look at the US and go "how the hell did they elect something worse than Bush Jnr?".
In closing, you state that Trump leanings are more to the left, well, the thing is, in every single country other than the US, your left is still our far right.
E-Cig deaths appear to have caught up with the number of known (human) deaths from meteorites! Also death by impalement from beach umbrella caught in a gust. Also the number of known deaths caused by an allergic reaction to having sex with a German Shepherd (the dog, not an actual Shepherd from Germany, I guess Shepherds in Germany are non-toxic).
Very soon it'll catch up to the number of deaths caused by autonomous driving (getting hit by a self driving car or being in a car and using "auto-pilot")