Thanks to all
Not only did venting my spleen here make me feel much better...but turned out to be truely helpful - Thanks all:
@The Beer Monster: Looked passed the 'Distribute Adobe Reader' link many times - so thanks for pointing this out. Still - don't see why I should need to fill out a "Adobe Reader Distribution Agreement" just to get hold of 'free' software that is available without the agreement via the installer. Also, why can't the Adobe Reader download page just have two links 'download with installer' and 'download full .exe file' ?!!
@Aunty Dan: Thanks for the link - but begs the question - Why don't Adobe publish this link on the front Reader download page? (And why should I bother with the "Adobe Reader Distribution Agreement" now ?
@Chris Beattie: Thanks for link - but again why do Adobe think I have time to 'hunt around' - after all I wouldn't need to p*** around downloading and installing if the software was secure to start with...
And HUGE thanks re Group Policy distribution etc. - haven't checked out your links yet but will be sure to do so.
My point regards 'patch Tuesday' was not why do they have a scheduled day (of course this makes sense rather than the 'we will release when we fancy it' approach) - but why the scheduled day is the same as MS's. Why not fourth Tuesday or something?