But ...
Did they spot any Dwellers?
51 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Oct 2009
it's either been pulled or has sold out. Still, I was happy to see that they have a 'vodka standard' of cables, once I'm appointed global overseer, they'll be the ones for me!
{wonders if he could slip 50 meters or so through the company IT budget,,, for the good of the company, obviously}
You find the thought of one or two idiots spread around the world with expensive lasers more worrying than the many tens of thousands of idiots within twenty miles of you RIGHT NOW with a license to throw half a ton of car around the roads with barely two brain cells to rub together? Odd.
ADDED (not to mention the propensity for ultra bright xenon or whatever it is headlights, missaligned so the beam hits oncoming drivers full in the retina from half a mile away, , , I'd much rather chance being zapped with a laser once on my way home than face the dozens of morons with their faulty headlights I pass every evening.)
....opinion of the US copyright office (which is where this is likely to be fought).....
Not necessarily, he could have the copyright claim validated in the UK, which seems to lean in his favour, a ruling which the US would then be forced to uphold via the agreement.
Your response brings to mind the Babbage quote, only with the nationality reversed.
<quote>Propose to an Englishman any principle, or any instrument, however admirable, and you will observe that the whole effort of the English mind is directed to find a difficulty, a defect, or an impossibility in it. If you speak to him of a machine for peeling a potato, he will pronounce it impossible: if you peel a potato with it before his eyes, he will declare it useless, because it will not slice a pineapple. Impart the same principle or show the same machine to an American or to one of our Colonists, and you will observe that the whole effort of his mind is to find some new application of the principle, some new use for the instrument. </quote>
has never had cause to complain about my VM service. Been with them since 1998 (NTL) and the only time my internet hasn't worked is when I haven't paid the bill on time. I do have set up as secondary DNS on my main PC, though we use mobiles over wifi a lot and no one in teh house has mentioned any issues.
EDIT - Correction, i lost internet for a few days last year when scrappers stole the aluminium cover from my local junction, and the kids ripped all the wires out, and all teh local dogs peed against it, but that's hardly VMs fault
is it a flock of wifi equipped cows? or a High-speed Herd of fibreglass cows? The article fails to distinguish, and the difference could be substantial, i mean, if it's a flock of cows, and said flock chooses to roost in a tree, then that tree is gonna be a dangerous place to sit under,,,,
it's the best surface to prove the tech works. Ever see a gecko fall off a rock? No, because it works on most surfaces, it's small scale surface interaction, so doesn't require the surface to be smooth. Nice flat sheets of the stuff on nice flat stiff boards that can have hand holds attached is just the simplest way to work with it.
Delivery, not a problem. Perhaps the nearest GoogBalloon can double as a massive regional distribution centre, if made large enough. Small drones to carry out the orders, larger drones to disperse stock between the balloons from continental centres.
Wouldn't take much of a drone to carry a few freshly hatched chicks or some seed to the remote areas, all those <insert minimum unit of local currency as required> add up. Just because an area is poor, doesn't mean it can't be swayed to spending it on what you {they} want.
Did you miss the part where it talked about how they were being targeted at people with various specialist food requirements? This isn't about mass producing food, it's about tightly controlling the food to give a specific result. If they're already selling them at 200% above the standard product price, it shows there's a niche waiting to be filled.
The cost of the machines ought to be written off as an operating cost, possibly against the marketing budget. Since they are an essential service that any high street bank must run, the cost of running them is automatically covered by the profit made from the customers, many of whom wouldn't look twice at a bank that didn't have them. If the personal banking arm profits, then the machines have done their bit.
They pay for themselves by allowing the bank to continue to have customers, so calculating the pay-back by comparing material outlay to time saved by human tellers and such is immaterial.
'Course, I'm not naive, I know anyone in any kind of management position would look at me like I was insane, but there you go.
Though currently, the google cache of the defaced page shows much more than is mentioned in the various articles reporting the incident, including what seems to be a tweet warning the SEA not to support annonymous, declaring them 'cyber provocators of U.S' otherwise they would be hacked, , , tenuous, maybe, but I feel we can safely lay the blame for the entire incident at the feet of the U.S ! :)
I remember seeing NATO handouts from the 80's proclaiming the pulse bomb the next imminent big thing to come out of the eastern block,,,,,, if anyone was going to achieve it any time soon, it would have been during the cold war. The climate is only just warming up enough to warrant serious development into it.
It's not that big a deal, the two versions, , most people are going to use it for faceschtick, youtube and a bit of music and video. Just like mobiles, most of the average users daily tasks are available on any platform.
Anyone that uses some software that isn't available in one form or another on all the platforms probably already knows the difference, or is at least very likely to go and find out the difference before they buy.
...about Virgin media sending out a mass email yesterday stating that 'Good News', the recipients were to be receiving an upgrade from 100Mb to 120Mb, regardless of the recipients actual package? Quickly following that with a retraction email, and then sending out the SAME good news email again the next day?
No retraction mail this time, perhaps they ARE upgrading my 10Mb line to 120Mb, , but I suspect not.
I envisage a warehouse somewhere with a thousand monkeys typing randomly at a thousand customer support desks.
I spent 2006 to 2009 selling Garmin and Navman, often to small fleet delivery firms, and we had calls almost weekly regarding a vehicle getting into difficulties down a narrow road, or offering bizarre , impossible routes, and it was almost without exception, that the device was set to car, bike or pedestrian and not 'truck'.
. "...is digitising all the books ever published, and making them freely available,.."
So by that reasoning, I can start making AVIs of every film ever made and start publishing them for all and sundry to watch for free and then be "surprised" when people complain.
You offering to fund my defence for project "Asylum Vids"? No? Thought not.
Just because the US are stupid enough not to see the danger of allowing Google to have its own way doesn't mean the rest of the world can't see it and (thankfully) respond.
Jolly Roger because thats what Google are, Privateers,
I agree with you completely, however I see no need at all for them to be anything but civil legislation issues. Its the act of defining discrimination that I have issue with.
By defining an 'act of discrimination' we create the discrimination it rules against.
Before the definition, Company A refused to hire Person B because of their disability/race, whatever. Surely there doesn't need to be a whole seperate set of rules to cover that?
Having an actively anti-discrimination society leads to a society where positive discrimination (the great oxymoron of our time) becomes desireable.
To discriminate is to favour one over another. Give the job to someone who may be doesn't quite have the same skills as another candidate, but ticks the female/handicapped box.
Thats fair enough, you might say, but is it? Why, in a fair and free society, should the job applicant be discriminated against?
I just think it unfair that some people live with a whole different rule book to protect them.
(The road laws are another example, kill someone by running round after a few pints waving a big piece of lead pipe in the park, its murder/manslaughter, take a corner badly because you've had a few pints and cripple a child and you probably get dangerous driving. Not fair)
Whilstever there is one rule for one person, another for someone who is different there will never be any equality, the very fact that there is a difference, and it is noted in law, will always create discrimination.
"In the UK there is currently no special legal protection for fatties as there is for those persecuted on religious, ethnic or sexual grounds."
No, and nor should there be. Indeed there should be no 'special' law to protect race or religion either. Why is attacking someone on their race somehow worse than the way they look? Or their sex?
The whole issue of (especially Race and Religion) persecution, so called hate crimes is hugely blown out of all proportion. It simply boils down to one thing; Some people like to hurt others, period, and so look around for a target. Be it a nasty comment from some white shirt beer monster at the long haired student in a town center pub, or three black/white 'yoofs' attacking one white/black person in an underpass.
Animal minds will always have an undercurrent of nastiness, and many will look around for an individual or group to target.
So scrap the racism laws, scrap the pro-handicapped laws, and boil the whole lot down to 'be nice, or be punished' laws. I don't see why calling someone a (insert most villified racial slur you know here) should attract any more of a punishment than attacking someone for their weight, and vice versa, attacking someone because of their weight should bring the same punishment as racism.
If you attack someone, that in itself should be reason enough to have to account for your actions.