The Funny Part Is The Government's "Cover-Up"
In a loose timeline, here's how the Roswell Incident went:
#1-The alien crash is witnessed by several people in the area who are not sure what it is.
#2- A farmer goes to examine the wreckage, claims of U.F.O. debris and bodies are made.
#3- The military collects the metal and supposed bodies, threatening witnesses as they go along.
#4- A news report from the local army base goes out confirming an alien crashed disc has been recovered.
#5- An error is reported as "it was not a U.F.O. as mistakenly reported. It was a weather balloon." Parts of a broken weather balloon are dragged out as "proof." Alternating and contesting views are ridiculed for decades.
#6- Over 30 years later, an updated version of the weather balloon is released; "We also used the weather balloon to test parachutes with human-looking dummies, hence the "alien bodies."
#7- An even better story surfaces claiming the weather balloon in question was a SUPER-weather balloon built to spy on the Russians (no more mention is made of bodies) and that's why all the secrecy was in place. No explanation as to how any weather balloon "rockets across the sky" leaving a miles-long trail of debris.
Bottom line; WHY do I believe that the Roswell Incident was real? Because the government came up with the WORST damn cover story(ies) for an event that became history BECAUSE of such a lousy trail of lies. Couldn't they have hired a writer to cook up something intelligent?