* Posts by Shtumped

11 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Oct 2009

Norman Conquest, King Edward, cyber pathogen and illegal gambling all emerge in Apple v FBI


Backdoors On Phones Will Not Stop Terror

All calls made by the number can be retreved through the service provider via already established legal means. If the data is in the apps e.g social apps then that data can be accessed via normal data requests to the app companies and is already in practise.

While it appears its Apple vs FBI but if Apple is forced into making a backdoor for iOS, then Android, Windows, Linux and all other operating suites will have to do the same.

Q - So how do we stop foreign companies from making bloatware and snooping on people in other countries??.

Q - Why switch to manufacturing unsafe hardware just because political mistakes have created situations where the world is overan by mercenaries created by the same forces ?? Should'nt we solve those political problems rather than build virtual guantanamo bays on mobile devices?

Q - Should the world have to pay for foreign mistakes?. How will US manufacturers present this in foreign markets?. Example if you live in Italy should you be JulianAssange/EdwardSnowden worried that you are being snooped on by the US?.

Mystery object re-entering atmosphere may be Apollo booster


Re: Third question at the Bridge of Death spanning the Gorge of Eternal Peril.

The space agencies are launching a new era of (IFO) identified flying objects....the UFO (unidentified flying objects ) business is getting a bit old.

SPACED OUT: NASA's manned Orion podule pushed back to 2023


Re: Within a couple of years....

Hopefully the Chinese are planning to set up a base on the moon. It will prove to be more useful especially for future NASA launches to Mars. If they joined the Russians for ISS they happily go the moon with the CSA if it allows them to do other stuff.


Exactly....We should also get the moon involved. Set up a base on the moon that we always restock. Use the moons lower gravity to explore the rest of solar system. Restocking mars from earth will be very expensive. However a base on the moon can be used as a base to ping other planets.

Finally the whole approach to space is slightly flawed - if there was an emergency evacuation after generations have lived there then the whole earth would have to get involved in that process. Knowing these facts why are we still setting up a future of fragmented space exploration yet we are fully aware of possibilities like aliens, entire missions disappearing....etc ... its time to merge these space agencies ASP.

Microsoft man: Internet Explorer had to go because it's garbage


Re: Well…

...and a clever move. Webkit is the deal maker. You have Chrome, Safari and Opera already in that camp, these three are making apps that they can easily interchange - that means it grows in power constantly and works across the 3 major platforms. Its shocking that to date - Internet explorer doesn't work on linux or android out the box.

HAWKING ALERT: Leave planet Earth, find a new home. Stupid humans


Re: Silly Idea

Hmmm ... as in - we just found bones of the occupants who used to live here and it doesn't look good. T-rex, eat###rex, ###sour .... making us look like midgets in the library of predicted/discovered creatures. What if our nest(earth) is actually in the middle of a jungle and we are surrounded by wild cannibalising beasts. Hopefully we don't land on a planet full of giant cannibals or mutant giant wasps that can survive what we call extreme space conditions.. they would just follow us back home for food. Not suggesting that the mayans were onto something but the monsters they and other indigenous people from all over the world curved look scary. Maybe we should build a UN military base on the moon first before going to mars and all those other planets.

ALIENS are surely AMONG US: Average star has TWO potentially Earth-like worlds


Collision in our solar system

This is interesting. The moon is 3,476 kilometers in diameter. The Earth's core is a liquid layer about 2,300 km thick composed of iron and nickel that lies above Earth's solid inner core and below its mantle.

Then factor in the scientific theory that the moon crashed into the earth a long time ago. The two metal cores collide - there is a bounce and a magnetic repulsion explaining why the moon with has a side permanently facing the earth/sun, why we have more water than an average planet as (we probably took most of the moons softer outer core), that bulge the earth has, some of these comets whizzing by, meteorites that wiped the dinosaurs, the ice ages, The Chelyabinsk meteor, the last meteorites and comets which are coming this way in a few years time.

Panasonic to punt smartphones in Europe


They Should Make Android Audio Docking Stations Instead

Its great Panasonic is also joining the android army which is packed full of competition. If they are really looking to make money they should join Phillips and Bose and make Android Audio docking stations. There's very few in the market at the moment.


HP names Ubuntu top dog for OpenStack cloud


HP needs to continue with TouchPad

Hp need to go back re-introduce the touch pad with 2 or three boot options as the tablet is very well made

Apple, HTC trim phone forecasts as markets tank


It had to Happen

We have been busting our ceilings over the last few years, first the dot.com bubble then the housing bubble burst ...then we busted the world economy's debt celing and now we are going for cell phone bubble.

PC tune-up software: does it really work?


Advanced System Care

I am currently running advanced system care freeware from Iorbit on 5 machines - just wondered how this would do compared to the ones published.