Backdoors On Phones Will Not Stop Terror
All calls made by the number can be retreved through the service provider via already established legal means. If the data is in the apps e.g social apps then that data can be accessed via normal data requests to the app companies and is already in practise.
While it appears its Apple vs FBI but if Apple is forced into making a backdoor for iOS, then Android, Windows, Linux and all other operating suites will have to do the same.
Q - So how do we stop foreign companies from making bloatware and snooping on people in other countries??.
Q - Why switch to manufacturing unsafe hardware just because political mistakes have created situations where the world is overan by mercenaries created by the same forces ?? Should'nt we solve those political problems rather than build virtual guantanamo bays on mobile devices?
Q - Should the world have to pay for foreign mistakes?. How will US manufacturers present this in foreign markets?. Example if you live in Italy should you be JulianAssange/EdwardSnowden worried that you are being snooped on by the US?.