What's bugging me?
Frequent and BIZARRE use of UPPERCASE words IN Reg HEADLINES
33 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Oct 2009
It's great that you haven't had any problems, long may it last. The real issue for me is how they behave when there is a problem - can you talk to someone knowledgeable who'll get to the bottom of the problem and get it sorted or do you have to talk to someone who knows know next to nothing apart from what is written on their scripts and is unable to apply what you tell them to get it fixed?
I live in the sticks but our exchange was finally LLUd a couple of months back, bringing the irresistible (to me) temptation of faster broadband. Unfortunately the company who'd chosen to put kit in our exchange was none other than TalkTalk and having used them before there was no way I was going back to their abysmal customer service.
However, I mentioned it to my ISP (Xilo, who are excellent) and they said they could provide ADSL using TalkTalk kit by going direct to TalkTalk Wholesale, who are apparently much better than their retail arm. They did that, it's working really well (nearly double the speed) and if there's a problem I can talk to a clued up human at Xilo and not a scripted TalkTalk robot.
Anyway, I thought I'd share in case it's an option for anyone else out there.
I don't for one second deny that she has fallen foul of a law that she was aware of, a moot point anyway as ignorance is no defence. My point is that proportionality is a key part of all fair and just legal systems, including that of the USA where it derives from the 8th Amendment, but that the principle has evidently not been applied in this case, going some way to making a mockery of the US justice system.
Yes, or maybe she should have had her hands cut off or her family executed because really, when it comes to making arbitrary examples of people such that they understand that they are not above laws dictated by multi-million dollar industries, no price is too high and proportionality is irrelevant.
As far as I'm aware he wasn't parachuting into Afghanistan - I imagine he was taking a quiet dump in the garden of a mental person, or similar feline pass time. Anyway, he's on the mend now and having seen this article I'd really like to get him some feline body armour for his night time special ops missions in the red zone of our village (just up from the post office).
So far I've found this:
And this:
Not sure about pricing and availability though, and they haven't got that 'desert camo' look that would go so nicely with his fur. Any suggestions gratefully received :)
I recently bought a webcam (new, Buy It Now) from Ebay and was seriously disappointed - dreadful build quality (corrosion hidden under a foam pad on the base and shonky marked plastic) and the image was dire. So I sent it back the same day and the seller fully intended to charge a 30% restocking fee. I obviously had a few problems with that:
1) 'Buy it now' sales (as opposed to standard auctions) on EBay are protected by the distance selling regulations.
2) I'm pretty sure the DSRs don't allow for re-stocking fees
3) 30% seems like a hell of a lot
4) Even if restocking fees are valid I can't see why they should be charged as a percentage of the price of the goods.
Anyway, it would be nice to be able to point to an authoritative source that explicitly states that re-stocking fees are a no-no.
I have a hideously disfigured nose because when my brother and I were young we used to pretend to be Tom and Jerry, and he would frequently smash me in the face with a frying pan. Some might argue that my parents should have just told him not to pound my face with iron mongery but I think it's quite obvious that children should be allowed to mindlessly emulate any behaviour they witness, regardless of whether the role model in question is a cartoon even-toed ungulate.
I blame the animators.
"give the flies the memory of an unpleasant event that never occurred"
How do the scientists differentiate between the fake memory that they have supposedly implanted and its very real unpleasant memory of somone fsking around with its brain?
Bzzzzz, well I remember asking for a cup of tea and they brought me hot Bovril instead, which was unpleasant, and.... no, that's it.