Forget facial recognition. One look at those creepy eyes in all the pictures and a trained monkey could see the connection.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Oct 2009
Would be Awesome. Ditto for Heinlein. Larry Niven's books were kind of out there in a way that special effects might not have handled so well in the past, but are ripe for exploitation now. Ringworld, A Land out of Time, Neutron Star, etc..
I'd love to see someone do Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land or The Man who bought The Moon.
The Stainless Steel Rat series by Harry Harrison would be awesome as a series of movies too...
joking about Obese America. In fact, one of my favourite Top Gear episodes was when they drove through the south with things like "Hillary for President" painted on their vehicle.
Maybe the Mexican woman is offended because she hasn't the humility to understand the British sense of humor.
I wonder if part of the issue is that most apps will need to get the full directory listing before copying. With millions of files, that can eat up some RAM before copying even starts.
This makes me want to experiment with .NET 4's new System.IO.Directory.EnumeateFiles() method. The new function does not get a full directory listing, rather it gets the *next* listing as you iterate over the collection it returns.
Using Parallel.ForEach to iterate over the collection makes for an easily coded multi-threaded file management app I would venture to guess...
A lot of these command-and-control networks have their own private network of IRC servers established where the bots themselves join the network.
IRC has long been known for its ability to self-heal if enough cross-server links are established. Using the infrastructure IRC provides is cheap and easy.
Another dimension is difficul to visualize, but for me a parallel universe is not so hard. Image looking at a friend while you draw a spiral with your finger in front of them. In your friend's perception, your spiral is opposite of the way you are drawing it. Kind of like seeing "CENALUBMA" directly on a vehicle, then seeing it in your rear-view mirror, and realizing it is an AMBULANCE.
Parallel universes may manifest to us in different ways than that, but my example is the easiest way O have found to visualize one.