* Posts by Peter 1

3 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Oct 2009

Hefty physicist: Global warming is 'pseudoscientific fraud'

Peter 1

The truth will out!

Well far be it from me to argue with Prof whatisname, but quite frankly my dear I don't give a damn!

Like all the Right whinge nutters he assumes that by some kind of magik "They" (you know the guys in the Black choppers) have corrupted the vast majority of the world's professional scientists. Now I'm not averse to the odd bit of conspiracy theorising (it really WAS the CIA who killed Che, it really WAS the CIA who got Allende killed), but some conspiracies are grounded in discernible facts, others are not.

I don't know if the Hon Prof has ever met with, or spoken to any REAL scientists, but if he had he might have noticed that they're the most awkward, argumentative difficult bunch you'll ever encounter. Kudos in science comes from disproving, not agreeing with whatever the prevailing orthodoxy is. That goes back to Gallileo, and before.

The idea that nearly every serious scientist in the world kowtows to some evil external agency that has managed to subvert the "establishment" (political and scientific) in nations as diverse as Sweden and China with every other one inbetween, is preposterous, and that's me avoiding the blasphemy filter and being generous with it..

The vast bulk of the data used to support man-made climate change is out there. Prof whaitzname is free to get his little friends and re-do all the sums. What's that you say Skippy? The data's been faked? Oh what a convenient get-out for the Prof and friends.

Anyway I'm not going to waste any more time on this nonsense. I'll be dead in 100 years time, and I won't see if any of the dire predictions come true. I hope they don't, but I don't think anyone in 100 years will say that today's scientsists faked the data......

Laid-off public sector techies better get flexible to survive

Peter 1

What Public Sector Techhies???

In case you hadn't noticed, the Public Sector has outsourced most of its IT and probably the Tea Lady as well!

Sniping at the so-called "gold-plated" "feather-bedded" Public Sector might go down well in Daily Mail Land, but in the real world is just silly.

This sort of ill-informed twaddle gets nonsense a bad name.

Helpdesk Heroes or unappreciated geeks?

Peter 1

Come Back Darwin....

I worked in IT support in the City in the 1990's. Best ever was the Chairman of a "well known High St Bank" (cuurently broke) who called me in to "fix" his PC. The fault was that it was switched-off at the mains, the socket being clearly visible and easily reached (not the usual floor crawling job). Stupidity or idleness. How do you differentiate?

Whilst I have every symapthy with the notion that as "Experts" IT support staff should be polite and sympathetic, there are certain Darwinian constraints.

I too have frequently been a victim of the lying response to "Have you changed anything" and\or "Have you spilt anything.." School children are les prone to lying under these circumstances than many a "Corporate Executive".