* Posts by dannypoo

20 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Oct 2009

Microsoft's Azure goes TITSUP PLANET-WIDE AGAIN in cloud FAIL


So you are trying to suggest that all the software running the management of the cloud (which was the thing that went titsup) runs on something other than Windows?

Of course there is a remote possibility that every single hypervisor on every single server across their global estate failed at the same time. However I'd be more inclined to blame the software infrastructure (which, being Microsoft, will almost certainly run on Windows).

Gid E-Up? Vulture's claw presses pedal to metal on VW's 'leccy motor


Re: Charging times versus battery capacity sound suspect

You assumed that to do 60mph on a flat road the motor would be operating at 60kw (maximum output).

I think that was what you missed.

Production-ready ZFS offers cosmic-scale storage for Linux


Re: AC Destroyed All Braincells Gordon BTRFS? You must be joking...


Just read 'Ten Reasons Not To Use ZFS'.


2. No support for SELinux ACLs

3. Primarily a Solaris product so it costs money (?)

4. Designed for servers not desktops (WTF?)

5. Linux has Reiser4 (ROTFL)

6. Sun wrote it and they're evil for writing Java

7. No independent benchmarks

8. Microsoft and Sun work together

9. Sun paid SCO for the IP suit

10. No 64-bit Mozilla Java plugin

None of those seem like valid reasons to me. The whole thing seems like rabid fanboyism.

The last sentence - "IMHO any news

from Sun is unwelcome, unless that news is the wholesale GPL

re-licensing of their entire product catalogue."


BBC Watchdog crew sink teeth into dodgy PC repair shops

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but (this is hardly a stretch) perhaps that 'second hand' hard drive came from a PC that was nicked from the care home? If these people are as unscrupulous as they appear then it wouldn't be surprising if they were using stolen goods as cheap sources of parts...

All-flash IBM V7000 smashes Oracle/Sun ZFS box


Some more maths for you

working set used by the ZFS stuff was 15x greater

So do you think it's fair to say that IOPs/GB can scale by the same amount?

Or do you want to find another strange unit to measure things by?



Sorry, I made a little mistake in my post:

The V7000 I linked to actually only uses 10K drives.

Sadly, the extra 12K IOPS that you'd (theoretically) gain from 15K disks doesn't quite account for the difference.


short-stroked? nah

all those who think you can compare these benchmarks are utterly, utterly wrong. Chris Mellor, equally you should be ashamed of yourself.

Read the summary:

Total ASU (Application Storage Unit) Capacity represents the total storage capacity read

and written in the course of executing the SPC-1 benchmark.

For the ZFS appliance:

Addressable Storage Capacity

23,703.035 GB

For the V7000:

Addressable Storage Capacity

1,546.188 GB

So the working set used by the ZFS server is FIFTEEN TIMES greater.

Perhaps we should be comparing http://www.storageperformance.org/benchmark_results_files/SPC-1/IBM/A00103_IBM_Storwize-V7000/a00103_IBM_Storwize-V7000_2-node_SPC1_executive-summary.pdf

Which is a 2-node Storwize V7000, configured with 240 15K-RPM drives, addressing:

Addressable Storage Capacity

24,739.276 GB

Aha. Now we can compare that to the ZFS box... So what are the figures for this one?


SPC-1 IOPS• 53,014.29

SPC-1 Price-Performance $7.52/SPC-1 IOPS™

Total ASU Capacity 24,433.592 GB

Data Protection Level Protected (Mirroring)

Total TSC Price (including three-year maintenance) $389,425.11

Maybe one of the Oracle employees on here should have pointed that one out? Just sayin'

How politicians could end droughts forever But they don't want to

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Hmm lots of fail in this comment as well - you should RTFA properly...

Your figures are based upon reverse osmosis providing ALL the water supplied to TW's customers - I don't think at any point the reporter suggested that Thames Water stop drawing water from aquifers and other reservoirs - conversely he suggested that doing so would cause flooding of tube tunnels due to raising of the water table.

Never mind that you have magically turned £40 into £50 for your 'killer bit'. Also did you happen to notice how much TW have spent stopping leaks, digging up roads etc. Scaling that back should comfortably cover the capex for this - and before you moan that leaks are wasteful, the infrastructure is over 100 years old and has been neglected - that's just how it is - and the cost of all that digging is being added to your bill, anyway...

The point of the article was to highlight that it would be possible to use desalinisation plants to make up for low rainfall. Don't you think that regions would benefit from not having to endure drought conditions, standpipes etc?

NEWSFLASH: Chips cheaper than disks

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yes very small

I am yet to come across a Production system which constantly installs, removes and compiles software as its primary purpose.

I would suggest that the 'build server' which you describe is very much an edge case.

iPhone 5 a no-show at Apple's 'Let's talk iPhone' event

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That one's Akamai. Shows up when an origin server is struggling under the load and doesn't respond quickly enough

Son of Solaris raids Linux for KVM hypervisor


PAEing the price

sure windows can do PAE from 2003 and up but then you have to pay M$ for the Enterprise version of the OS. :(

this even applies to the 2008 version which I wouldn't describe as ancient.

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see post above

E.G. a 32-bit OS which will only support up to 3.5GB RAM (Windows, I'm looking at you) so can only have a tiddly disk cache. Never mind that the stupid OS (Windoze again) constantly tries to free RAM by swapping stuff to disk.

Stuff that on a server with >4GB of RAM and you are wasting it.

Virtualise it on a server with >4GB of RAM and even if there's some overhead the hypervisor can use all that extra RAM as a disk cache. Shimples.

Apple ups Mac Mini spec, lowers price

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The title is required, and must contain letters and/or digits.

but lacks the optical drive found in the desktop models.


Apple anticipates Air sales surge

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put me down for one

If it gets a thunderbolt port and an i5 CPU then I'm in straight away.

Server flash cache deathmatch: Bring it



sorry - you *could* have SODIMM modules - they called them FMODs but now withdrawn in favour of PCIe cards

How do you copy 60m files?


good suggestion

zfs would have made this too easy and would have allowed the copy to run at almost network wire-speed (all block-level, you see). you could take a filesystem snapshot and send it over the wire (rsh,ssh) and import it at the other end. I have done this more times than I care to count with filesystems containing up to 30 million files. it also actually defragments the files in the process (currently pretty much the only way you can do that with ZFS)

of course you would have had to copy all the files from the NTFS filesystem to ZFS first though. :facepalm:

I have set up a system using Solaris 10, samba+winbind to store in excess of 100 million files in a multi-user Active Directory environment on ZFS. All kerberized and shared over the network. It even supports NFSv4 ACLs (requires patching samba a bit though).

I will be moving this from one server to another next week with a single command. Nice.

Ten Essential... iOS Travel Apps


footie over?

no it's not there is still the final and 3rd place playoff

SpringSource adds springiness to Tomcat server


Tomcat's relationship with the hypervisor

I'm struggling to come up with any ways in which TC Server can have any form of relationship with the hypervisor. Given that traditionally, there is a JVM and a (possibly paravirtual) OS in the way, they would surely have to come up with some sort of JVM-pvOS hybrid?

Alternatively, here's an idea - why don't they just ditch the hypervisor and run up some JVMs on Redhat?!?!?!?!

I have got to say that VMWare's purchase of SpringSource ranks right up there as one of the most puzzling ever for me...

Argos buries unencrypted credit card data in email receipts


@Mr Ed Rowley

He misses the point somewhat - since the collection of credit card details would require the company to be PCI compliant, there should be no storage of the CVV number and the credit card number should be encrypted and stored separately from the keys.

This error would suggest that the app processing the credit card details is the same one that sends out the emails. This would almost certainly result in a PCI non-compliant setup.

I think that Argos might have a visit from the bank's auditors in the near future...

CCTV website recruits video vigilantes


@hermes & @stef 4

would you imagine that they would be unable to log in and watch after reporting the 3rd incident?