Feet maybe?
"... simulated glideslope having been moved to a point several thousand metres down the runway."
http://www.gcmap.com/diagrams/pdf/EGBB.pdf (3052m)
9 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2009
Editorial guidelines
Just a thought but how about saying 'died' instead of 'passed'?
The Register has always had a readership, more or less, of grown ups. I think we can take it.
And 'passed' is of course short of 'passed on' or 'passed over' 'to the other side' or 'to a better place'.
Which is just silly.
Do we want mobile phone coverage on the tube?
Is it completely unrealistic for Londonders to be asked about this?
The tube is very noisy - the only conceivable way for people to use their phones will be to shout over the noise of the train.
The trains are also very crowded, especially during rush hour - do we really want people shouting in our ear whilst being crushed up against them?
How many phone conversations are so important that they couldn't bear being made in ten minutes time after leaving the train?
We are already in touch with each other vastly more than any previous generation. They survived without the ability to communicate at absolutely any time. In fact they might be said to have turned out slightly more interesting communications as a result of actually thinking about them a bit first. Some were even longer than 140 characters!
More importantly they weren’t shouted in my bloody ear.
I don't know. Do we need it? Do we want it? Should we think about this before rushing headlong into it? Should it be a decision entrusted to BoJo or should the people who actually travel on the tube be asked to decide?
Inevitably there will be some cash changing hands behind the scenes. And not to the benefit of 'the likes of me'.
Give us a bloody referendum. It’s not hard to arrange. It just might not give you* the result most likely to line your pockets.
* The Man**
** Boris et. al.