* Posts by Guy 3

6 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2009

Adobe Photoshop Touch

Guy 3

Re: Mac's Killer app?

The subtitle doesn't make any claim to timeframe - Photoshop _was_ a bit of a killer app on the Mac. Arguably, PageMaker was _the_ killer app for the Mac (i.e. people would buy into the platform merely for the software), but Photoshop was a big draw to the platform in the early 90s for photography studios, movie studios and the like. The first version released for Windows was released ~ 3 years later.

F-Secure Mac security scanner bug bins benign files

Guy 3

@Anon #1

Not sure about F-Secure, but most Mac security programs detect Windows malware too... reason being that Mac users often share files with Windows users, and being alturistic folks, don't want to give their friends malicious files.

German railways merge NFC networks

Guy 3

NFC integration isn't just 'cool', it would be convenient.

I live in Oxford and regularly travel into London (a mere 45 minutes away on the train). If I don't wish to use cash, I will need to have two NFC cards (one, dubbed 'The Key' for Oxford buses, and then the Oyster card for London). And I still need to pay cash for my train ticket. It would be great if I could beep my PAYG Oyster at the start of my journey, and at the end, and have the cash taken off.

NFC integration, at least regionally, would make life a whole lot simpler. The London-centric south-east of England would do well to standardize all public transport on Oyster. Other regions where customers are less likely to have Oyster cards may wish to standardize on the nearest big city's transport NFC card.

Naked German women evade Swedish chopper

Guy 3

@Anon #2

Anonymous wrote:

>Should leave them alone, they're not harming anyone.

>Society shows inability to set priorities properly again.

I think the point is not that they were naked, but that they were lost and hadn't come back.

In this respect, they could have been harmed themselves, so it's entirely appropriate to send a rescue team in to rescue them.

NHS blames computer error for transplant fouls

Guy 3

Technical error?

Given the info on the case here, seems to me more likely to be a case of PEBKAC.

Small biz told to sort TV licences for PCs

Guy 3


IIRC, the 'not being plugged in' thing is due to an exception that has always (well, for the last couple of decades anyway) existed, that receivers powered solely by an internal battery are exempt.

I believe this was put in to appease caravanners who could then be covered under their home licence when away from home.

Conveniently, a laptop (when not plugged in) falls under this definition, meaning it is covered under the exception.