Re: Talk Softly and carry a big stick
It was Teddy Roosevelt- Hence why the Aircraft Carrier Carrying his name is known as 'The Stick'.
11 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Oct 2009
This has always happened, and as later Star Treks suggested it probably always will, Its human nature to create a barrier of fear to something that isnt currently understood, before mach speed, people were concerned about the effects of mach on the body (Though I still would not recommend it sans plane), light speed is the next, and and on ST it was Terrawarp (10x light speed- and it didnt kill them, just turned them into fish!).
Looking into it, I have seen it suggested that, for example the 88.8Wh reported for my laptop is the capacity of a larger battery;is it possible that as the information has never been used up to now, that manufacturers have simply been using one set of firmware for all of the different capacity batteries? And just changing the amount of cells? I must admit at first I was also quick to blame MS, but it does seem a very likely scenario if they were trying to reduce manufacturing costs. Cant say that that makes me happy though.
I have a 2 year old HP dv9000; and was on the beta and the RC with no problems whatsoever. dish out £30 to upgrade to W7 Pro (student discount) and all of a sudden there is this problem, as well as an issue with the sound card (or to be more precise how hp's quicktouch buttons interact with it).
Ran powercfg /energy to generate a report, and it seems that the full capacity of the battery is being misreported, leading windows to believe that the battery is only charging to about 40% capacity, which triggers the alert. Personally the only thing I seem to have noticed in commmon between the laptops is the BIOS (Phoenix). I've also contacted HP support, and they just didnt have a clue WTF was going on.
One Service Pack 1 with fries please!
Simple enough;
16gb- Slim Ipad
32gb- Regular ipad
64Gb- Max Ipad!
All of a sudden madtv's parody has gone through the roof!
And loving how takuhii seems to have deleted his own post in shame.
Oh well, time to check my email on the awesome Ipad mini.
FAIL- as well, its a BFO Ipod touch, with an name which sounds like something which should be shoved in ladies underwear.
I wonder if it is possible to upgrade current HDTV's to the DVB-T2 standard? Common interface cards can have processors and memory built into them, and many HDTV's have the slot. Currently they're only used for top up tv etc.
Still; I have some doubts that TV manufactures would bring out anything to prolong the life of current sets, when they can use it to push people towards a whole new one!
Yes, but I do'nt think that it is like leasing a car; you are buying it. you are not (mostly) restricted to returning it after a set amount of time, you can part-exchange it (ie upgrade) or sell it second hand (or in softwares case I believe you should be able to). If there is a major fault with the car it is eligible for a recall, even if the car has passed to a new owner, and the bodywork warranty also passes on (though parts and labour generally doesnt, which i would equate in software to supplying security and vital updates, but not new functionality such as upgrades).
Personally I think that software makers have got away with this for too long; law should be based on common sense, and licensing and EULA's fly in the face of it.