* Posts by Corrado Mella

3 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2009

Antarctic glacier melt maybe 'not due to climate change'

Corrado Mella


Because the doom-sayers, scaremongers and profiteering thieves from this artificially induced mass hysteria don't have enough press coverage already?

Why should ElReg feel obliged to give voice to other opinions, when the opinions voiced from ElReg don't get one split second of consideration from the lobby of pseudo-scientists and their lackeys? Go back in your cave with your tinfoil hat, and wait for doom.

Sea levels rising... Yes, they do - just about every day, meters at a time.

It's called TIDE. And we dealt with it for millennia.

If we need to build more breakwater defences, we will.

What about using the money thrown away to fight the effects of "climate change" to - in fact - PREPARE for it, if it ever happens?

We didn't stop flying on the 1st January 2000 for fears to fall off the sky, we spent money to check the system were all Y2K compliant. Some were, some weren't and have been fixed. And we travelled safely on 1/1/2000.

Ancient far eastern philosophies teach to sum the strength of your enemy with yours to defeat him. It takes more than double the effort to counter his force *and* win with an overwhelming counterforce.

But hey, that would mean money diverted from the pseudo-scientist baccalaureates' lobby to burly builders and civil engineers, it would be a disgrace.

Bill defines 'personal information' to avoid strengthening DPA penalties

Corrado Mella

Move to a civilized country...

...like Scotland, where we, EU citizens but UK residents can vote for the Scottish Parliament.

With more devolution powers coming this way, and the prospective of an Independence referendum in short order, here's the country you're looking for.

Virgin Media network goes down down south

Corrado Mella
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No problems here up north

As far as I can tell, no probs up here in Scotland.

SMTP, POP3, browsing... all OK, apart from the VM websites specifically affected from the outage, but the placeholder page comes up as fast as lightning!!! ;-)

Sorry for you down south...