"That my annual income is less than Bill Gates makes in an hour isn't his fault and he doesn't need to be punished for it. That my income is multiples of the national average is again no reason to seek to punish me."
Bill Gates made his money with illegal business practices and that's the issue with billionaires. They're not making money because they are geniuses, they're making it by exploiting people and governments are doing nothing about it, as they're on the gravy train.
While people should be able to make money and be well off, no one has contributed anywhere near $2 billion dollars of worth to anything in the last few months, yet they're being rewarded. Bezos earned his money by forcing his employees to work in unhealthy conditions, for no extra money, not because he worked hard, or came up with some amazing new thing. Most of the billionaires are in the same boat, I expect that ability to exploit people/get away with crime, is what separates billionaires from millionaires.
Almost all heads of large companies earn multiple millions these days, despite having no experience within that companies core competency, they just know the right handshake. The fact is these days the people sticking things in pigs and knowing little else of value are earning all the money. The ones studying hard are earning less and less as the years go by.
Oh and people with no qualifications but doing jobs no one else wants to, should also be able to earn a decent wage. Horrendous jobs, or unsociable hours should bring more pay, but this has been all but wiped out as the people at the top need their millions for doing jack.