That guy...
Needs to do another line, it would totally help calm him down!
45 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Sep 2009
I stopped buying consoles a few years ago because once they became internet connected I saw this coming... I refuse to buy any product with such draconian DRM. I refuse to buy a perfectly good product that was split into 3 products for the benefit of the publisher's pockets (Starcraft 2). I also recently canceled my WoW account because Blizzard is just getting greedy with the combination of micro-payment items AND a subscription fee. Cheers to the folks who cracked this proving yet again DRM has a 100% failure rate.
That's what I do. Explain to these youngsters how their old, forgotten about MySpace account has had its contents packaged and sold to random 3rd parties already. I love the jaw dropping look I get when I explain even if they delete it, it's already too late because these companies cache everything. I don't have a Facebook, LinkedIn, or other type of garbage and life's been humming along just fine.
Icon for you Fuckerberg...
With the astronauts (I have the utmost respect for their achievements), as a lay man Constellation made no sense to me. We replaced expensive solid rocket boosters with the shuttle to save money and get to space more often. We then looked to replace the shuttle with? Solid rocket boosters... I know it's a gross over-simplification but it still felt like a step backwards. We should be looking for an even cheaper way to get even further into space. Let's move forward, please! :D
Had to watch it in college, called "Taken For A Ride".
All about how GM basically destroyed our streetcar system. It kills me that 50 years later, politicians who are dealing with angry voters who are tired of gridlock are suggesting.... wait for it.... Light Rail! Yes streetcars will solve everything. God we are dumb sometimes.
So Armageddon will come around 2100 or 2150? I always forget if the power plants lasted 50 or 100 years. I am however disappointed we don't have more of the LHC tinfoil hat crowd in here claiming this will rip a hole in the space time continuum and destroy the earth. It is entertaining to listen to their misinformed rants.
That gung-ho, cowboy, patriotic bullshit is how we got in two wars to begin with. Please herd all those morons back to Texas. If I could educate everyone in the states on just one thing it would be the distinct difference between patriotism and nationalism. We have PLENTY of nationalists and very few patriots.
That is exactly the problem in the States and I suspect other parts of the world. Parents these days are more concerned with being their child's best friend and this does them a horrible disservice. It doesn't allow them to develop normal social skills and they grow up to be wretched adults that no one wants to deal with. Part of the reason I've stayed single for so long. I thought it was the norm when I was raised to say "Please", "Thank you", "Yes sir/Yes mam" but apparently I had a privileged upbringing. As I've gotten older I just see where so many adults never had that kind of parenting as a child because their parents were only concerned with their eternal happiness. We need more explosives for the kids and less coddling. I played with all these things when I was young and it certainly fostered my love of science, technology and all the cool things we do as a species.
This coming from the guy that removed his photos after the privacy change settings. What Mr. Web 2.0 fails to realize is there will always be at least a portion of the market like myself that stick to their curmudgeonly old ways, don't use facebook and enjoy every bit of their privacy. Epic fail.
Welcome our new nuclear monkey overlords? /shrug
I do find it funny what an unrealistic view of the world PETA has, their intentions are noble and all but they tend to be a bit absurd at times. They should really be protesting nature, there are certain species of monkeys that resort to cannibalism in times of a food shortage. It's even been documented, so let's stop all this monkey on monkey violence first then we can talk about NASA.
I used to work for a company that serviced DEC terminals. I pulled one apart in an auto shop and it looked like it hadn't been opened for years (this was about 1998 and most of these units were well over 10 years old and developed a lovely yellow hue as a result). The entire PCB was covered in a thick layer of what looked like soot. That one still stands out in my mind, it was the dirtiest machine I ever had to service. You literally could not see a single inch of the green PCB exposed, it was completely covered top to bottom. The kicker was the company still expected us to dress in shirt and tie which was unavoidably covered with this muck at the end of every day. Never made sense to me...
Echoing other comments, do they really think this will stop the people that illegally download? Someone is always out there working on a work around. This is why DRM always fails miserably. They still haven't learned that lesson have they? Even governments can't compete with a world of bored teenagers with nothing better to do.
It may not break the speed limit but here's how we do it in Milwaukee:
You have to scroll through the images but the owner of a local custom chopper store decided to motorize this old love-seat. The lamp on the back is fully functional and lights up. It's quite a sight to see this thing cruising from bar to bar on the weekend.