* Posts by MrcX

10 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Sep 2009

Stallman: Did I say Jobs was evil? I meant really evil


@itzman - use one before

Sorry itzman, but you're full of it. Did you ever use Mac OS? you can do anything on it as you can on a "*nix" computer, as you call them, but then without the regular debugging sessions, if you refer to *nux. just give it an unbiased try if you can.

Looks like all of the "experts" in this forum are not aware iOS and Mac OS are not the same thing, like the author of the article.


macs? or iOS devices

Well, either the author of the article does not know how to quote the bearded guy (co.uk... country of the Sun, right?), or he's full of shit. "Macs are pretty handcuffs", and the the entire article bashes on and on the... right. iOS devices. Are we talking Macs, or iOS devices here?

Both ways, how come we get quotes from this bearded maniac in the Reg from day one after Jobs died. Did he not have the guts to speak out when he was still alive, did he know his tirade only partiallly makes sense (iOS, maybe... a bit, but one is free in its choices)... but Macs? handcuffs? come on, it's as handcuffing as any flavour of free unix or linux around. If you do not think so, you don't know the OS.

Windows 8 to boot in 8 seconds


totally unbiased article

Now, how come I have never read an unbiased article on this site on different workstation OS'es... just putting things as they are, without quirky or clever comments

Google Docs app lands on Android



The Register now officially acting as a publicity engine for Google's Android platform. Will we see a post for every new app released for it? Just wondering how far Google's influence reaches.

The Mac that saved Apple (and Steve Jobs)


things do have changed

Ah... reminds me of the old days, useless battles between "fanbois" and the others, but... hold on... I only see comments of the others here. Proves the fanbois right, no :-)?

Jobs: One million iPads sold

IT Angle


this is such a drag, having to read these immature comments over and over again, Rick. Can't you play another tune that would maybe interest people? What's the use, we all know the Reg holds a grudge against Apple, just try to be a bit more inventive in your stories please.


EDS mainframe goes titsup, crashes RBS cheque system

Thumb Up


Finally somebody who knows what he is talking about.... write that SMF! silly HP mainframe wannabees.


Fanbois Apple buyers howl over crocked iMacs



C'mon Reg, can't you come up with a little more shocking news? clearly you still hold a grudge against apple from a few years back (don't exactly remember what, something about an invitation to an apple event you didn't get, search your archives)... love a cynical note on all companies that matter, but this is too silly.

Snow Leopard data-munching bug predates Snow Leopard



typical... I like theregister for their broad coverage of all IT related subjects, and their ironic/cynical views on the news. And I congratulate them for finally having found a real reason for their unreasonable and childish apple bashing.

Cheers, Reg, enjoy!

Mainframe emulator goes commercial



c'mon people, as if clockspeed is the only reason for companies to buy system z hardware...do you really think any company wouldn't protest? Unparallelled IO bandwith for instance: hundreds of applications running simultanuously, all doing IO... up to 1,5 TB of memory... give me the name of the itanium box that delivers that, please? Just read about system z a bit, IBMs websites deliver enough information.