It's only Dance music
It's only Dance music. It's not like it's worth anything.
29 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Sep 2009
Im from the USA and I would see this rewriting of history as another attempt to be politically correct. A term used by Stalin by the way. They are already rewriting Mark Twain here in the states. Its a shame really. No future generation will know the truth after these revisionist get their way. I hope someone keeps the original for future generations.
I live in Grand Rapids Michigan, USA and I can tell you all that the USA is doomed to this disease called religion. Here in GR there is a church on every street corner. Everyone goes to church at least 3 times a week and as an Atheist, I am bombarded with damnation and hellfire from idiot, brainwashed people everyday. Its like living in the stepford wives movie.
These religious idiots think that prayer in public schools will somehow solve all issues that kids have during these years growing up. They think that gays are trying to take over the USA. And what is really sad, especially in my State, are the law makers who somehow think they have power over a womans womb, should be passing laws protecting these unborn fetuses. They waste tax payer money on this issue every year. And what is really funny regarding this issue of abortion is that it's always old, white, evangelical men who deem it in their power over women to make these desisions.
Then we have the Dominionist who want the USA to be a "christian" nation and are trying to rewrite American history to make their claim. Look up David Barton and his Croney Glen Beck. And what is scary are the stupid people here in the USA who beleive these morons alternative history. If they win, you can kiss freedom goodbye. We will be under the boot of religious zelots who think they have the "ear" of god, or as I say, the invisible sky jockey.
I can tell you first hand that most of what you state is not true. Most (99%) US soldiers come from Middle class or upper middle class families. In fact, one of my freinds who has a 19 year old tried to get into the Marines and was rejected because of a DUI. His father makes about $75 thousand a year. The US armed service will not consider you for service if you have a felony. They (recruters) will give you a hard time and even reject you if you have had run-ins with the local law. If you show any drug use through a blood test, you wont make it.
Retraining? Whos fault is that? We have a generation('s) of kids in the USA who dont see education as a necessity. They see it as an anyoyance. They want the end results of an education without actually doing it. And whos fault is this? Media? Parents? Politicians?
They want a 300K home with all the trimmings but only want to work at a 7-11 or less. I know one guy personally who has never made more than 9 bucks an hour because he doesnt want the responsibility of a job that pays more. Nothing wrong with that, but he is subsidised by me and other tax payers for his lack of ambition. He knows he can get a government handout when things are tough for him.
This guy has been brainwashing American simplemends for years. Mostly made up of simpleminded religious fundamentalist, they have been the leading factors in irrational thought for years. They think that dinosaurs walked with humans, that a great flood eveloped the Earth, and that a grey haired old man that lives in the sky created everything.
And what would 'YOU" keep off the internet? The only thing I can say that should be kept off and ONE thing only is Child exploytation. But thats already illegal in the real world so to play that card is redundant.
What would you keep off the internet? I personally cant think of anything. I can tell you right now that once you start censoring anything it becomes a snowball effect and it will eventually take everything else with it. Banning and censorship are for weak people and governments who have trouble looking at the truth.
THere are ways of locking down a computer so kids can't get into safe mode or the bios. This sounds like the parent wasnt smart enough to lock down his technology and the kids took advantage of it. If all your kids do is email, and websurfing and texting, install Linux on their computer and lock it down. I doubt they would have the smarts to unlock it.
I have to disagree and say that kids are inherantly stupid by nature and use whatever is in front of them to make their world seperate from the adult world, no mater how illegal it is or how many people get hurt, they dont care. It only revolves around them. Kids think they are the center of the universe.
I do agree that by talking to them a parent can make their child understand they are not the only one in this world and their actions have concequences that effect other people. Such as texting while driving could not only kill them but someone else.
Personally I dislike kids and have nothing but contempt for them and wish things were like the 19th century regarding them---that they should be seen and not heard until they are of legal age or consent.
You're an idiot. A 45 ACP round for a rifle? Really? THe only rifle I remember using the 45 round was the Winchester lever action and that used the 45 long and wasnt even an ACP round. THe other sub-machine guns like the Thompson and so-called "Grease Guns" use the .45 ACP.
Snipers use 45 ACP rounds? Really, You're an idiot. Snipers do not use .45 cal for their ammo, it wouldnt fit in their rifles because a good sniper would use a .50 cal, or a 3.08 or even a 30.06 and I havent mentioned the other modern sniper rounds.
THe .45 is one of the best home rounds for home protection.