* Posts by theloon

126 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Sep 2009


Infosys founder calls for 70-hour work week – again – claiming it creates jobs


He can start by redistributing some of his 5.6 billion personal wealth

I hope the workforce tells him where to shove the 70 hour week idea.

Day after nuclear power vow, Meta announces largest-ever datacenter powered by fossil fuels


The world burns so people can post Karen videos

Time to just give up on any attempt to do anything meaningful for climate.

Apple hit with £3 billion claim of ripping off 40 million UK iCloud users


0.64 pence a month rip off…. Ohhh the scandal

This a completely bogus filing.

There are multiple ways to back up your data from an iPhone.

However backup/restore is a service not just simple data transfer.

If Which’s understanding of what Apple’s cloud service is this shallow, I look forward to them being laughed out of court.

Will their next law suit be that a car manufacturer has to be able to backup the details/config of your vehicle to Google instead of BMW?


Now Dell salespeople must be onsite five days a week


Awesome! Thanks Dell for the clarification

Never need to waste time applying for a position with those guys.

The list of companies that treat people like crap and advertise that they do so continues to grow. Can't wait to see what quality of workforce they end up with in 12 months.

Gonna be so much easier for the competition to attract the top talent elsewhere.

91% of polled Amazon staff unhappy with return-to-office, 3-in-4 want to jump ship


Well that a hiring decision easy....

I was in conversation with recruiter for exec level role with Amazon until this annoucement. The recruiter is now freeking out as every one of hisl prospective candidates has dropped out due to this 5 day a week RTO policy.

It's not that people don't want to go to an office or any location when it is going to be a productive exercise, it's that when that activity is literally achieving nothing for the company or the employee. If your team is elsewhere in the country/globe and you are going to spend all day on calls with distant collegues the futility of being dragged in is beyond meaningless.

Working for any company with pointless practices is hardly an incentive to sign up. End result brain drain...

CrowdStrike file update bricks Windows machines around the world


“It told me to install Windows 95 or better ... So I installed Linux.”

Still funny after all this time,

Long-term supported distros' kernel policies are all wrong


Re: Tell Me About The Alternatives.......

yes you are missing much.

Open does not automatically equal more robust or more reliable.

Perhaps and 'open' mind to holistic requirements of real world use cases would be a more complete way to examine things....

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 served on Apple Silicon


Re: what a waste of effort!

Perhaps your musical skills would be better if you wasted less time on a pointless activities lol


what a waste of effort!


Dell to color-code staff based on how hybrid they really are in RTO push


let the employment law suits begin

Gonna be interesting to watch where this goes.

Apple Silicon takes a back seat at iPhone-heavy launch event


Yawnnnnnnn ..... another phone iteration another headphone update...

The internet's edge routers are all so different. What if we unified them with software?


Re: Open RAN

oh yes ORAN...... which is another example of the industry expending huge effort on redefining a technology as 'Open' and then chasing it's tail to never get to a point where it is either more effective or more efficient ...

At the 'heart of Open RAN' is actually a lot of speciallied hardware. Whilst you can buy it off the shelf you still need to find people with the same skills as any other vendor to 'make it work' and then of course you do also need your own USP to make your offering standout from all the other Open vendors..

And around we go..

Perhaps the industry would be better served actually spending it's time, money and brain power on something genuinely original?

Ohhh Mesh anyone? lol

Oops, says Manchester City Council after thousands of number plates exposed in parking ticket spreadsheet


Do you work for Manchester council Barrie? PCaaS anyone?

yes that's a brilliant idea, def one for the parking department weekly meeting !??

Let's identify cars and their owners and simply publish a register of where to find high value motors for steal-to-order crims to work down the list.

Let's call it PCaaS ! Pinch car as a Service

Idiot !

CityFibre relieves TalkTalk of its FTTP sister biz for £200m – after Boris win blows away Labour's nationalisation vow



The clue is in the name... CITYfibre ;)

Furious Apple revokes Facebook's enty app cert after Zuck's crew abused it to slurp private data


Dump FB and never look back

Each time one of these essentially criminal activities is revealed, it continues to feel good not to be part of FB.

Blood spilled from another US high school shooting has yet to dry – and video games are already being blamed


Hopes, prayers, and blah blah blah

Sadly, it's just a clock reset until the next one. After this many incidents and no change it is clear the US legislative bodies will do nothing.

Facebook exec extracts foot from mouth: We didn't really mean growth matters more than human life


Andrew Bosworth - FB VP - People dying due to FB's is just cost of business, so lets carry on

FB's business practices are truly despicable, and the more we discover the worse it gets. Therefore I decided want no more part in this company and their platform, or to any longer be their 'product'.

For those who might continue to use FB's platform, I would urge you to consider why you would do so. In real life, would you, your children or friends honestly continue association with people such the owners /execs of FB, who have such extraordinary contempt / disregard for you and yours?

Why continue to feed the extreme wealth and ego of Zuckerberg and friends, knowing now of their calculating and callous behavior against society, and as we read today and not denied, even for your physical safety.

Yep, I thought not.



IETF protects privacy and helps net neutrality with DNS over HTTPS


the devil is in the implementation

Since your average user blindly accepts their LAN dhcp from their provider, and per device / per network config is an effort unlikely to be taken by said user... deployment seems only for the 'advanced' ... at best

Likely this is the same set of folks already using services like dnscrypt.

Today's now increasingly redundant IETF once again looking for a horse which bolted 5-10 years ago.

Cisco president: One 'hiccup' and 'boom' – AWS is 'gone'


Cisco delusion over Enterprise / software revenue continues....

It's getting desperate at Cisco. The shift away from SP to a solely Enterprise-like business (just look at who mostly got LR'd recently), for DC, Cloud and all that comes along with that.

Chuck is without a doubt a terrible choice for Cisco at this moment. A disconnected individual, surrounding himself with some of the most out of touch people you can imagine. He even seems to revel in providing material to prove this, for example recently announcing internally that Cisco needs to refocus on IETF and legacy standards bodies. Clearly he seems not to have noticed that OpenSource and open hardware has moved the world on and 2-4 years for a standard from IETF is a model of the past...

The refocus on Enterprise comes just at the time when OTT cloud services, AWS, Microsoft etc, are about transform Enterprise exactly as has already happened to OTT services for residential.

What foothold does Cisco have in OTT today? Pretty much zero.

There was always an internal giggle when Cisco would announce they where 'Number 1 in Cloud' at ra--ra all-hands events. At the same time the CPSs, AWS, Google, FB, MS etc, had already stopped buying ToR switches and servers from any major vendor and where designing and outsourcing the build for whitebox replacements, ordering these units in the millions.

The trend continues down to optical, bye bye Cisco proprietary, and hello grey optics at 80% cost reduction. Not only are the CSPs designing them and publishing the specs, but they can purchase them cheaper than Cisco can, since it's all about volume.

So what is Cisco's answer? Well it appears to be the same as Marconi and others ghosts have done. Focus back on previous revenue streams and try to milk them a little more. do a bunch of increasingly desperate LRs to shore up the revenue margins so as not to get hammer in the market on stock pricing.

Of course they make a lot of noise about new business and re-focus this that... but essentially it's emperors new clothes time.

Thing is, very dog has it's day, and Cisco has likely had it's time run out of 'woof'.

UK gov says new Home Sec will have powers to ban end-to-end encryption


fucking hilarious !

omg this is so totally clueless .... good to see we have the brightest and best in the new cabinet and civil service.


Bash on Windows. Repeat, Microsoft demos Bash on Windows


30 years late - but hey

What next? and RESTful API?


Ex-BT boffin Cochrane blasts telco's 'wholly inadequate' broadband vision


Gavin Patterson continues his tradition of being totally out of touch

Whilst Gig to the home is a reality in come countries, Pstterson's pronouncement is no surprise from BT.

As one BT guy shouting to a few of us not so long ago ..... "8 meg is still faster than dial" !!

Microsoft backports data slurp to Windows 7 and 8 via patches


XP still looking attractive :)

and that was the final reason I needed to never upgrade my XP machine which runs any type of finance packages... and yes, they all still run on XP, never crash zero problems. Unlikely trying to run them on anything later.... the disaster that is MS.

Microsoft's Windows 10 Torrent-U-Like updates GULP DOWN your precious bandwidth


words fail really

but seriously what else where we expecting. It's the same company which was developing the Zune when Apple was already finishing up on the iPhone designs....

ISP Level 3 goes TITSUP after giganto traffic routing blunder


If this was the issue, then Level 3 is totally at fault, since one of the core principals for BGP policy is only to accept what you are expecting, since this is the obvious outcome of not having that route policy correctly defined.

This is such a basic error that the 'fat finger' has to have been involved.

However it's another example of how policy needs to be defined elsewhere, and the limits of BGP policy configuration done via the current OSS model....

Please god don't anyone say "hey we need another extended attribute for BGP that will solve this"..

Cisco and Level 3 team up to squash brute force server hijackers


buzzzz buzzzz

swat that fly... 'yahhh'


buzz buzz......'oh crap'

Lenovo shipped lappies with man-in-the-middle ad/mal/bloatware


Priceless - a FB engineer shocked about 'ads' and wondering what world he is in

Actually more disturbing that the spyware...imo..

How is this a surprise .... It's the type of world you have helped create FB dude !


$10,000 Ethernet cable promises BONKERS MP3 audio experience


first call will be to Audio Quest, next will likely be Trading Standards, they love this stuff.

As someone that works for a major networking vendor on the engineering side, I'm first going to call Audio Quest and ask them some simple engineering questions concerning their solution, how it relates to ethernet protocols, transmission, framing. Next some about IP etc..and finally some basic questions about NASs and media players etc...so let see what they say.

The likely outcome is that I will next call trading standards ...

but lets see how Audio Quest respond first....

Will keep you posted during the week. :)

David Cameron: I'm off to the US to get my bro Barack to ban crypto – report


Another in the endless series of brilliantly unworkable policies

Another show and tell of the level of clue Cameron and friends have. The topic is irrelevant, their level of real world clue is always low. Economic, transportation, security....an endless list.

Windows 10: One for the suits, right Microsoft? Or so one THOUGHT


finally features used since the 1980's make it to Windows

Better late than never I guess. Desktop innovation is soo dull and kinda over now.

DNS cockup locks Virgin Media customers out of ntlworld.com email


DNS is not one of Virgin's strong points

Since they are no good at DNS perhaps they should stop fucking with it all the time.

Virgin Media goes titsup AGAIN. The cause? Yet MORE DNS strife


sub £35 answer and crypto

For the tech inclined its pretty simple to build a secure DNS solution using a Raspberry Pi running raspbian and dnscrypt.

Add in isc-dhcp-server and if you wanna stay in the gui world use WebAdmin for config. Had this running for years now, moved it to Pi for massive space/power saving a couple of years back.

Also makes a great openvpn server and sixxs tunnel box too, they all run perfectly well concurrently with dns/dhcp etc.

Another plus is no DNS intercept from Virgin anymore.

Running Cisco's VoIP manager? Four words you don't want to hear: 'Backdoor SSH root key'


and the SP also promise that running your home will be secure

On and on it goes. This is just the tip of things to come. Smartmeter hacks on mass taking down entire communities is just such an obvious thing to target.

Then it's on to the connected home...

Enjoy the darkness.

US citizens want stricter CO2 regulations by two to one – Yale poll


but they still wanna drive a 3 axle truck to work

Yeah sort out that power plant.....but I'm not giving up my dually ....

BSkyB, CityFibre, TalkTalk pull clear of bigwig BT's bundles – plan to set fibre to York


Re: Competition at work

Unfortunately very little of this is about cost, it's about revenue retention. BT has no real incentive to get people off the copper, as they are still making billions from landlines and copper based retail.wholesale services. The revenue is declining, and at a rapid rate, which has made BT execs finally take note and start deployining some fibre passed the cab.

However if BT was really serious about getting FTTH deployed they would have joined forces with the utilitiy companies water/gas etc who are passing homes all over the country replacing the infrastructure right up to the front door....

The resistance inside BT was enormous when this was proposed....and they don't seem to be embracing it anytime soon.

David Cameron defends BT's taxpayer-funded broadband 'monopoly': It's a 'success story'


21CN ...the waste

The UK could have already done most of the fiber to the home roll-out with the money which was spend on 21CN.

Add to that the continued incremental upgrades for DSL, "polishing the copper", which nicely keeps BT OpenReach going...ops I mean OpenReach a BT Group company...they get pissy about the name. ;)

Anyone from the old G-CTO Group at BT care to comment on their lack of extraordinary lack of foresight and wastefulness? Come to think of it anyone in the recent BT Design group wanna pitch in also?

Sync'n'sharers Box snaffle Cisco's Warrior CTO .... IPO time?


friends and family stock too?

Now I wonder who might buy them in 9-12 months time.... oh the pondering lol

How a Facebook post by blabbermouth daughter cost her parents $80,000



Priceless and good.. Don't sign a confidentiality agreement and tell anyone what was in it.

NatWest 'spam' email cockup got me slapped with late payment fee, says angry Reg reader



So he pays it off anyway, but it's not on direct debit.... yeah I can smell something and it ain't the flowers.

Pervy TOILET CAMERA disguised as 'flash drive' sparks BOMB SCARE on Boeing 767


Finger print it and arrest the moron

This person needs a reminder on the subject of decency...

3-6 months being "explored" in the showers should make them rethink their approach to life.

Just who is Apple's most frustrated fanboi? Surprise – it's GOOGLE


Wake up Apple

I'm just saying....

I work for a company with in the Valley with 10k plus of Macs...zero Apple tools used there too.

Perhaps we just don't need them, but then we are heading to a place where any OS is just a hypervisor for Apps....

Apple Schill-er: 'I was shocked - SHOCKED! They went and copied the iPhone'


So now donate it all to charity

As it's not about patents or profile....and you have more money than God already, do something useful Apple and the entire settlement to worthy causes....

BT Openreach boss QUITS to quench ambitious thirst


yep thats right she managed a deployment of "fibre broadband"...over COPPER. !!

I wonder if she will also be pontificating at her new job, as at BT she was rumored to have once pronounced in a meeting she would "be taking that (some issue) to Number 10"

What a wonderful sense of overblown self importance exists with these execs...

Oh she will be missed. lol



Why the thumbs down? Do you actually work in or contribute to the IETF and even understand it....? My guess is not.

But if you do either know anything, or are actually attending then lets meet in the lobby of hotel in Vancouver where it is being hosted this week @ 11.30 PST and discuss it....yes that's right I'm actually there...


Wow, you clearly know nothing about the IETF, it's members and how it operates.

Furious Google techie on NSA snooping: 'F*CK THESE GUYS'


So Google is rich enough to actually take on the US and UK government..... When does the blah blah blah stop from the CEO and some legal action begin?

Otherwise it's all just some bullshit pronouncements

EasyJet wanted to fling me off flight for diss tweet, warns cyber-law buff


Re: "It's called free speech"

As I assume you are not a lawyer then you will be perfectly ok if you wake up one day no one serves you in any shop, bar, restaurant, denies you to board a train, stop and searches you, locks you up for 72 hours under section 7, stops you attending any sporting activity...the list is endless

So yeah a guy sticking up for himself with the ultimate result of letting Easy Jet know their bullshit is bullshit..... thank fuck for a typical lawyer...


reason number....oh I lost count already.

Yet another reason I never fly them...

Microsoft relents: 'Go ahead, install Windows 8.1 on clean PCs'


MS still locked in 1990's OS upgrades and installs

Everything from the price to the install methods are 25 years out of date...
