* Posts by Denise HC

3 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Sep 2009

Erm... what did you say again, dear reader?

Denise HC

ESN programme director

ESN used to mean "Educationally Sub-normal"..........

Secrets of an ad broker: NoSQL, millisecond auctions and FLASH ARRAYS

Denise HC
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Re: Wasted talents?

1) How do you "know" you want something if nobody tells you it's available?

2) Targeted adds are better than spray 'n pray for advertiser, publisher and viewer

3) Remember the web without advertising? Wan't to go back there?

OK, I confess, marketing is what I do for a living and it makes me miffed when I see posts like this. So block all ads, don't watch commercial TV, don't read magazines or newspapers, shut your eyes to all outdoor adverting and stay in your bunker.

Merry Christmas

Demon splurges details of 3,600 customers in billing email

Denise HC


I received the email and attachments - my details were not in the CSV file - but my password was...allocated to someone else. Demon don't have much "luck" with e-billing, their first attempt had to be suspended because it did not work!