The target audience doesn't want innovation - they want something to wave their epeen around in.
And that's EA's/Activision's/Ubisoft's fault.
67 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Sep 2009
I can't quite believe I'm posting this, but...
You do realise that both Apple and Android devices are 'walled gardens' right? I mean, you still have to go through the same rigmarole to get the latest fart app included on the respective market.
And besides, anyone who actually gives a fuck about installing 'non-sanctioned' apps (ie, pirated stuff), can do so on either platform with ease.
So, to put it bluntly, the iPad 4 is pretty fast, has a rather nice screen, and has more apps than Google Play.
The Android devices tend to be cheaper, and you can have a clock and a picture of Aunt Mary in a little widget on the front screen.
Right, now I understand everything.
Best plan is to land a few powerful rockets on the surface, and if spinning, time a short pulse with each spin thus pushing the thing off course - preferably towards planet Alpha Centauri Bb (http://news.discovery.com/space/could-we-mount-an-interstellar-mission-to-alpha-centauri-bb-121018.html) - just in case they plan on invading.
Hey if we can land an SUV on Mars, a few rockets on a small rock isn't much of a challenge, right?
There won't be a PC version, because PC's are rife with piracy, and it just wouldn't do to eat into their profits.
Consoles simply don't suffer from piracy. This is why PC versions come out later, because they just can't risk a leak - or filthy pirates - from losing them sales. Oh, and they need extra time to incorporate highly effective DRM for 'profit preservation' because as we all know, each pirated copy = one lost sale.
Nope, the Xbox is the only viable platform to release games and steer clear from those smelly pirates.
I don't understand this post. Are you saying the enrichment of human knowledge is worth less than a politician screwing a country?
At least money is being spent on the most important aspect of human evolution. We are not perfect, nor should we stand still in perceived perfection as the world crumbles around us.
We need missions like this to evolve, to move away from the stagnant corporate swamp we currently live in, to discover and understand the next phase of our existence.
I just can't help feeling slightly giddy when I see these crystal clear pics of stuff on another world.*
It truly is remarkable, and hopefully not an elaborate hoax like the moon landings.
* - this bit is serious, I'm astounded at the whole concept of literally seeing Mars in high detail.
There most definitely is trading - the Black Lion Trading Company is the Auction House of the game, click on the lion head on your topmost toolbar to sell anywhere in game, or at a Trading Post NPC to buy and sell. And you can mail people items and gold anywhere in the world.
It's a great game, apparently let down by its severe lack of endgame content - but I would imagine that will be addressed later on.
Really? Downvotes?
Unless they're in answer to his question (in which case fair enough, kinda), then that is utterly pathetic fanboi crap. Seriously, iOS has bugs, like any other OS - yes including OSX.
Maybe I should make a post saying I prefer pears as they're generally jucier and taste better.
Not really, you couldn't buy extra mushrooms in those games...
EA might propose they're doing this for the good of those lesser developers who they've yet to buy out, this is all to do with missing out on ingame purchase profits.
Ban ingame money shite and the whole internet would probably improve. And world peace may even ensue.
I've seen a few Sony 3D sets, and they all suffered from horrible cross-talk.
I know passive should have cross-talk, but the way they're going, Sony will have figured out a way to make it happen.
I miss the old days of Discman's and Walkman's. Sony made good kit back then :(
It's because the vast majority of 'illegal' drugs are, in fact, natural substances that only need to be refined to be used. The drugs you actually buy from your friendly neighborhood chemist, or prescribed by your happy-go-lucky GP are all manufactured using decades of safely tested chemical compounds, mixed in with some of those aforementioned plants.
Of course, those in the pharmaceutical industry know much more than we do about safe medicines and doses, and have all been vigorously tested and trialed for even longer to ensure yours and my safety.
Of course, all these wonderful drugs are checked and approved by those who know more about drugs than anyone else could possibly know - the FDA and other similar. They ensure that we all take only what they know is perfectly fine and will definitely help us - because they said so.
I'm sure the Shamans of the world, and witchdoctors of centuries past would have loved to have been under the happy blanket of Governments and FDA's, and they would have had no problem being told that the stuff they are using is actually dangerous and you will suffer. Even while the opiates and suchlike they are happily smoking is easing they headaches and other aches and pains. Smiling happily though a slight haze of joy after chewing a shroom, they are blissfully unaware of the dangers of using such substances, that have not been deemed fit-for-use by the powers that be.
It's because these banned substances are... well.. homegrown and therefore bypass the ability of governments and FDA's to make money from them because well, if you can just grow it in your back garden, why would you need well trained lab staff and FDA's in the first place?
It has, is, and forever will be, about money. The good of humankind is secondary.
Ok, apart from possibly the grouping of types of women perhaps.
This was a study, of women using mobile phones. Not men. Or dogs. Or even fluffy sheep. No, it clearly stated women as the subject of the study. So naturally, one assumes they will research and extrapolate the data found, and present this data is such a way that is is understandable my market researchers.
I daresay if the study titles 'Always On Men - a survey of how men are using technology today' would label men as either 'Nerdy types with no girlfriend' or ' Business Blackberry Picker'.
Honestly, just because something is to do with women doesn't make it an attack on your independence or equality - as we all know of course, women are at least as equal to men.
Get off your sexism high horse. People like you are responsible for the increase in PC shite that is infecting the western world.
I dunno, I kinda think that broadband is as much a utility service as gas/electricity these days.
Can you imagine if those providers 'throttled' your power?
'As per out Special Budget Tariff, you may only have a maximum of 500w on at any one time between the hours of 6pm-12am.'
I can understand the whole contention thing, but tbh, I don't think that's QUITE as much of a problem as it used to be, what with LLU and suchlike.
At the end of the day, there is something wrong if there HAS to be a slowdown in speeds across the UK every night. Cars are big metal things that exist in the real world. Data is just that - data. It isn't physical (well ok, I suppose the atoms that make up the data stream is real, but you know what I mean...), and as far as I can see, the only reason we HAVE slowdowns is mainly due to BTw charging a ridiculous amount per Tb.
I am simplifying it, of course. But I just wish we could somehow move this whole broadband thing up a gear. It's frustrating to think there is so much potential use of the internet that we in the UK simply cannot use because of a piss-poor implementation of the telephone network.
"but it still looks decidedly geriatric beside modern iOS titles, such as Infinity Blade and Dead Space"
Because games must now have superior textures, suuuper gfx and effects to be classed as 'good'?
I am so SICK of people who complain about things like this. I remember the original Prince of Persia - that was a superb game, the graphical style was wonderful for it's age, and even today it offers a great challenge.
Then you look at the 're-releases' with their 'updated gfx' and 'gameplay enhancements'...
3d and bloom does not maketh the game.
I moved to Dumfries (Lockerbie) a few years ago.
I hate it - I mean, really.
<-- that way, Annan - Pilot scheme for upto 24mb.
--> that way, Dumfries, Sky LLU.
Me? 6.5Mb. *cry*
And with a dodgy DSL connection that cuts out whenever it feels like it - and no ISP ever have managed to fix it.
Why can't I just call Openreach personally?
Oh ffs, I'm whining again... :|