Re: Defense in Depth
During the last two years or so, any obvious malware I've spotted - stuff pointed to by links in phishing emails and such - had an average detection rate of 25% or so on VirusTotal. Which means that if one is stupid enough to click on such links, odds are that he/she will end up with an infected machine despite running one of those resource hogs they call antivirus software these days.
On the other hand, Cisco has just pointed out that advertising on mainstream sites has now become the main vector of infection.
It follows that the single most effective countermeasure these days, is to use an ad blocker. Doing so will deprive online publications of ad revenue and has publishers scream bloody murder - but the publishers should direct their rage to the advertising industry rather than the users and purveyors of ad blockers.
STOP, 'cuz thats what the little icon in the status bar of my browser looks like.