Re: > it is there to make PROFITS - looks interesting.
8 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Sep 2009
People still use that??? Augh…. please go away already. Real MS-SQL, if you must stay in Redmond’s orbit, or any of the OSS alternatives. Even Excel is better.
Project is kinda meh, Excel (or any Scrum/Kanban tool, including actual whiteboard w/Post-its) can do 80% of its job. But don’t kill Visio please, unless you release the source.
All the decent ones have surely been tagged, recruited by GCHQ, MI5 or MI6 (or whatever they are being called these days), and given blanket pardons from any previous criminal acts, as long as they continue to work for the "good guys" in the gov't....
More interestingly, Fujitsu is the only active maker of SPARC chips nowadays... though Sun is emphasizing x86 more and more lately, could this be a backdoor play for NTAP to help handle any eventuality stemming from Sun/Oracle possibly winning (or at least failing to promptly settle) the ZFS/WAFL patent battle?
I think if the $/GB of 4-bit per cell or higher MLC flash can be brought down quickly enough, it will be very competitive with tape in the near term (2012 timeframe). Poor MLC flash write endurance won't be as much an issue when used for WORM or tape-like applications - after all only 200 full overwrites durability is quoted on LTO4 today (and IRL it can be much less, with excessive shoeshining, leader pins snapping, etc.). And flash of course has similar power requirements, form factors, etc. as tape (plus tape drive), and would likely have similar if not better long term archival reliability. So perhaps the LTO consortium is looking at flash removable drives instead of tape as a long term replacement?