This is brilliant
I absolutely love the new age of Apple Getting Stuff Wrong. How long before we start talking in terms of JE and AJ (Jobsian Era and After Jobs)?
And yes, I did think of suggesting "Before Jobs", but come on...
34 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Sep 2009
Dear all,
I don't know if Climate Change is anthropomorphic or not. I know that the climate is changing, because frankly if it always stayed the same then I think that that, taking in to account the myriad of influences on our environment, would be pretty bloody weird.
The reason I don't know if Climate Change is anthropomorphic or not is because I don't have an understanding of the evidence; I am not a scientist. However, I have in the past made attempts to find out what the evidence is, and asked questions about it, and every single time I hit the same wall: people want to debate my scepticism, rather than help me to understand.
I was brought up to be sceptical of everything; to believe the evidence of the world around me, and to use the words of my peers only as an indicator for further study (at least, when the matter in question is of a serious nature).
I realise that there has to come a point where a decision has to be made, and I try and cram in as much understanding as I can before I make it. But please, do not preach to me. Do not expect me to take your word for granted, any more than I would expect you to take mine. Climate Change may be anthropomorphic, and it may be that only through collaboration we can maintain the balance of this rock we live on. That collaboration has to start now, with those who may know more about this subject than myself or my peers - we who live lives in different fields, with different understanding - choosing not to belittle us for our scepticism, or scoff at our ignorance, but to point us towards the real, physical evidence. Evidence born of measurement, of observation of the physical world, and evidence not just that the climate is changing, but that I, and others like me, are responsible. If I ask questions, it is through a desire for greater understanding, not to challenge your beliefs. If you cannot answer those questions, then perhaps we need to look more closely at the evidence, together.
What I may or may not believe is happening in the world around me does not change what actually does happen. That goes for you too. That, in this instance, is the only fact we can all be certain of.
Phil Hare
-- "The iOS store is NOT about profit. It BARELY profits at all (music video and apps total). it is a SERVICE to help drive device sales. Apple can give two craps about making money from apps, they care about device stability, battery life, quality app content, and user security"
That all sounds great, but please forgive me if I don't take your word for it. Where can I find this information from an independent or peer reviewed source?
P.S: "Lose" has one "o" in it.
Here we are, on a forum of technically minded people basically agreeing on the correct way of approaching a political issue. Whose voice is actually being heard? Those who, with all due respect, don't know what they're talking about.
People: www.theyworkforyou.com
Well done.
For the record:
Belief in God = Socially conditioned craziness
Belief in Astrology = Socially conditioned craziness
Belief in Aliens = Either craziness or reasonable scientific deduction based on the maths, depending on whether or not you think they've been to visit you.
It's mostly craziness, then, but it's not really your fault.
--"First off, the "doing nothing" bollocks; credit card processing, advertising, hosting and distribution is not "doing nothing""
True. And it proves such a burdensome task for Apple that they're now the worlds second largest company in terms of market value.
--"So your 'radical' solution is to bypass the app store by selling your apps online; how do you propose the apps are installed then you boob!"
I remember a system like that. Back then Apps were called "software", and you could write it and sell it to work with various operating platform without paying the vendor for such platforms a single damn penny.
How times have moved on.
Yeah, that's all great. But my point was that AC was suggesting that Android is a disjointed mess, when actually that's not true. My Galaxy S plays all the media I want it to, in a variety of different ways and from any source up to and including direct from the web. WinPho7 can probably do all that too, but let's not try and put Android down on false pretenses.
They're all just phones. It's down to personal choice: iPhone users like the interface on their phone, I like the fact that I can watch iPlayer and DiVX's on my Galaxy S and my friend likes his Nokia because it's tough as hell, cost £10 and has a torch on top.
As for "And makes the iPhone more special again- after all not everybody is driving Mercedes.", that statement says way more about you than it does the iPhone.
Now, can we leave the phone talk please?
It's not as if we've hunted them down to persecute them is it? They've ADVERTISED these people, and as such cannot expect the public not to form an opinion. THEY have provided all the information we've got to go on.
Maybe they should invite El Reg to do a "day-in-the-life" piece of one of these people. Then we could decide if it's science or quakery.
I really hope you're trolling, but in case you're not:
-"Maybe the lady with a phd in essential oils might know a little about their chemical composition?"
You would bloody hope so, wouldn't you? I mean, it would be a completely bollocks PhD if she didn't, although she can't have learnt too much about their chemical make up because that would then be a PhD in "Chemistry", and who'd want one of those?
-"Can he not imagine that someone with a phd in natural preservatives might be running a laboratory in any one of the worlds huge toiletries industry?"
No. Fucking hell no. That would require someone with a higher degree in biomedical science at least, preferably with some management experience and a good understanding of the law when it comes to bringing cosmetic and health products to market. Unless of course the lab in question is the same kind of 'lab' I had when I was five, which mainly involved mixing random things with other random things.
-"Or does the company name "Neil's Yard" simply turn off his intelligence?"
Not entirely sure how that's relevant but now that you mention it it does sound more like a dogging spot than a company.
-"Is the author completely ignorant about the extent to which modern, western medicine bases it cures on herbs and natural substances, even if they are now synthesised?"
How else is science likely to approach the subject? Of COURSE it's based on natural substances. The important bit is HOW it's based on those substances.
For what it's worth, I personally feel sorry for the four women pictured; they probably just wanted jobs in an expanding field that pays well thanks to the gullibility of desperate people. Is that so bad?