Just google...
"The Daily Mail Everything Causes Cancer"
220 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Oct 2009
... in Pascal to replace the old DOS Novell login. Very crude, just used to write the username/passwords you entered into a hidden file & then throw up the invalid username/password error. It would then run the proper Novell Login so you would think you made a type'o. Think I managed to get 4/5 logins before it got found.
As luck would have it I was in the office when it went off & all though the mobile networks went down, the landlines in the office were working so I was able to call home.
No matter how old you get your parents still worry when something like that happens.
I recommend Gimp (http://www.gimp.org) as its multi platform, over paint.net.
Most users never use the full functionality of MS Office/Photoshop so the free alternatives are ideal for them, but from years of being in the game it seems people turn their noses up at them, as they have a "because they are free, they must be crap" attitude.
I got story a few years back where I managed to recover a powerpoint that got corrupt some how. MS Office would not open it but I was able in OpenOffice. I was not a full restore but well over 60% of it was back & I got a six pack as a thanks. Always nice thank you in my eyes ;)
Most IT bods have installed software on a moody licence at some point in their career, purely out of necessity. A company I worked at many moons ago were audited & it turns out two office licences were used twice, not bad for a company of about 400+ users. We were expecting worse. The company that did the audit were more concerned about the font licences than anything else.
Don't think most people know that fonts need to be licensed. Had a company merge with another one & had the magic words :-
"Can we put these fonts on the font server?"
"Yeap, if you show me the licences."
"Err, err, err"
"& don't even think about installing them locally!"
Adobe, Microsoft & Symantec don't go after a company thats missing 1 or 2 licences, so I do wonder how bad it is & who's going to get the chop at Forever 21 once its all over. They will need a sacrificial lamb.
.... some can be very amusing. Like the person who got Donald Trump re-tweet the picture of the Wests & he threatened to sue.
Anyone who plays any MMO will know that trolling goes on constantly, its relentless on some games. Trade in WoW (on US servers) for example, just mention the current president & his healthcare plan, then watch the comments go!
In my old age you just shake your head & remember what on-line games were like back in the 90's. Oh the same! People trolling, just not as much of it due to the number of players online back then?
I have had the miss fortune of dealing with there support desk once.
"My mobile data is not working"
"Have you tried rebooting the phone"
"Its not the phone because if I go into another town it works fine, I have been to the local 3 store & they are having the same issue"
"Have you tried rebooting your phone"
"Can you pass me on to some one who knows what they are talking about please as you clearly do not"
....... Think you can take an educated guess at what the next person said. Was not until I got a Level 3 (what ever one of them was) that I finally got some one who had a slight clue. It took them over a month to fix what ever the problem was. Apparently there was a faulty tower (Yes, I have a image of John Cleese in my head now) in our area. Once the contract is up in a few months I think its time to bin 3.
One of the few things Apple do is let you replace hardware if its there fuck-up! Few years back I had a MAC Book Pro that was out of warranty & due to a known fault with that model they replaced it, even tho it was well over 6 months past the 1 year warranty. Only thing I will say was the issue did not manifest until I upgraded from 10.6 to 10.8 if memory serves me right.
Thinking about it HP/Compaq have also done the same thing before for me. Replaced hardware even tho it was out of warranty but it was a known fault.
"An iMac looks very swish and neat on the receptionist's desk - but for the power users I'm not quite sure how they're expected to justify the cost." I have a few power users (doing design, basic video editing & all manor of technical stuff) on IMAC's. So long as you don't have to be mobile, they are quite a good alternative to Mac Pro's with a screen, saves on desk space…. well underneath the desks anyway :)
"1 I think I can fly - drugs etc" /facepalm…. such a cliché statement.
To quote Bill Hicks " 'Young man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out of a building. What a tragedy.' What a dick! Fuck him, he’s an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didn’t he take off on the ground first?"
Track & Field came before DTD if memory serves me right. Went through a few keyboards with that game.
Both good games :)
* Edit just done my home work, DTD was released on the home computer before Track & Field. There you go, what does this old fart know lol