Camoron trolley
"Jailbreaking an iPhone just makes you a git who likes to pay to to promote Apple's products and practices, but then decides to pretend to be clever"
maaan, you got me there, to think I thought I was being clever, and now I find out I am just a git
thank god for enlighten people, I just learn so much ...
Now for a real comment,a rather than a cretinous one,
One of the interesting things about jailbreaking, is to gain full ssh access, this allows for quite a plyful use of the phone. One of the best ones being using apps like pdaNet from cydia or rock (app repositories) , to plug your iphone on your laptop , use it as a router, and vpn through it.
Another thing I quite like to use ssh for , is to run VLC for iphone, from my laptop at work, I can remote control the phone, using IM clients on it, allowing me to use my own IM at work (usually bloked), via 3G connection, but typing with a real keyboard, rather than a phone one.
an many more ...
Mr git.