* Posts by Adam 60

7 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Sep 2009

Sony network ransacked in huge brute-force attack

Adam 60

Not Sony's Fault

So, the accounts were compromised because people re-used compromised login details, or had easy to guess passwords?

The fault this time lies entirely with the end user.

The sad thing is, given the choice between learning to increase their on-line security or blaming someone else (Sony), I know where the majority of 'victims' will fall.

Oxford adds woot! to dictionary

Adam 60

Don't call me Shirley!

Can't play it in scrabble if it has numbers in it!

Mozilla cranks out Firefox 5 with cross-platform 'Do Not Track' feature

Adam 60
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I look forward to having all my extensions disabled on a quarterly basis.

Hotmail upgrade finally reaches 350m users

Adam 60

Too stupid to own a computer

"What's all this shit when I login to Hotmail...? How about you just go straight to my inbox?," noted gazsimmons on Twitter.

This was my first thought as well, however instead of crying like a baby on Twitter I spent 10 seconds to sort it out.

Right at the top of the new homepage is an options link, and the very first option is to select whether or not you go directly to the inbox - hardly rocket science!

These days if something is perfectly configured out of the box, people would rather complain on the internet than trying to sort the problem out themselves.

Dell Studio 17 touchscreen notebook

Adam 60
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I have one of these

I bought one of these a few months ago. I use a combination of the touchscreen, touchpad and wireless mouse to use the machine.

Under normal use I don't use the touchscreen too often, however if I'm lying on the sofa with the laptop resting elevated on my legs, the touchscreen is great for scrolling documents or websites where reaching for the pad or mouse can be uncomfortable.

The touch pad is also really nice. It supports multitouch as well and comes with software pre-installed for mutlitouch gestures and other fancy bits, which I have come to learn are not standard features on Windows laptops (but are on Macs).

I do gaming and while I haven't thrown anything heavy at it, it runs Eve Online, Warhammer Online and Left 4 Dead flawlessly.

My old desktop hasn't been booted up in months.

PS3 to go 3D in 2010, says Sony

Adam 60

Bah Humbug

As someone who recently lost most of their vision in one eye, this trend towards putting everything in 3d is extremely frustrating :( Hopefully it will be an option that can be toggled.

Crackdown on dodgy mobile deals

Adam 60
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I recently purchased a new phone contract with Orange offering 12 months half price line rental. When my bills came through charging full whack I investigated further.

Turns out it's not half price line rental at all but I have to follow some very confusing repayment guidelines where I need to send in copies of my bill to the company I bought it from (not orange) at specific intervals to recieve a check in the post. The interval is different depending on ambiguously defined contract lengths and amounts. I asked support exactly what bracket I fall into and the simply directed me back at the FAQ page.

If I am late sending the specific bill to them or have been late on even a single contract payment then I forfeit the cashback offer. Whats funny is that they do both cashback and reduced price line rental but it's simply two differant words for the same thing.