It's not about speed, the software is about keeping track on all the stuff on the various cars, no mean feat
Posts by Malcom Ryder 1
42 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Sep 2009
Train maker's coder goes loco, choo-choo-chooses to flee to China with top-secret code – allegedly
Julian Assange said to have racked up $5m security bill for Ecuador
Spotify wants to go public but can't find Ed Sheeran (to pay him)
DIY music veteran SoundCloud flounders, lays off 40% of staff
I've done my part to help keep Soundcloud afloat, when ever I post a new song I send a link to some of my friends, some of whom actually listen to it. Sound cloud shows ads to them, so I've done my bit. They need to find more popular bands to upload their music on their site. Sorry Soundcloud, but I tried
New NASA theory: Moon radiation drops so HULK RIP MOON LIKE SHIRT
US plots to KILL hackers – with bureaucracy!
Amazon axes hated Fire Phone price: 99 pennies but a niche? Ain't none
Space Station in CRISIS: Furious Russia threatens to BAN US from ISS
Ten classic electronic calculators from the 1970s and 1980s
NASA probecraft to FLY the SKIES of MARS - IF it can make its launch window
11m Chinese engulfed by 'Airpocalypse' at 4000% of safe pollution levels
Re: And Laws of the USA/Europe are going to prevent this?
As a patriotic American I am proud to admit we are world leaders. If we implement pollution control devices , the rest of the world will follow our example. You and your fellow America haters should move to Somalia and enjoy their true Libertarian government
There's ONE country that really likes the iPhone 5c as well as the 5s
Apple blings up new iMac with latest Intel chips, next-gen Wi-Fi
Elon Musk unveils Hyperloop – the subsonic tube of tomorrow
Apple at WWDC: Sleek new iOS, death of the big cats, pint-sized Mac Pro
US lawmaker blames bicycle breath for global warming gas
Linus Torvalds in NSFW Red Hat rant
How to destroy a brand-new Samsung laptop: Boot Linux on it
ESA, NASA agree on Orion module supply
Brit robojet ‘Taranis’ set for Oz test flight
Microsoft: Welcome back to PCs, ARM. Sorry about the 1990s
America's X-37B top-secret spaceplane returns to Earth
Music Biz: The Man is still The Man, man
SpaceShipOne man, Nobel boffins: Don't panic on global warming
Netflix vs Lovefilm
GM Volt e-car battery safe, say feds
Doctor Who girl Amy Pond axed in 'heartbreaking' exit
Revenues double at Facebook, says source
Russia: 'We'll dump the ISS into the sea after 2020'
Euro space truck consigned to flaming death
Mozilla refuses US request to ban Firefox add-on
National Security?
What exactly does streaming live sporting events have to do with national security? Remember homeland security was made in the wake of the 911 attacks. Mozilla called them out on this, good for them. No way Homeland security can actually do anything. As for all my whinny fellow Americans who are so worried about the debt, give the government some money, come on patriot, if you really loved your country you'd dig deep in your pockets. If not shut up and quit making every post into a whine about what the post isn't.
Fairlight: The Rolls Royce of synthesizers
Save the planet: Stop the Greens
Hulu to charge $10 for past-its-prime time TV
Goodbye Hulu
Hulu made sense, actually it is one of the few internet services that does(did?). How does you tube make money? How does Facebook? Hulu played videos with commercials, they made money, and I didn't have to DVR( and then skip thru the commercials). I am not going to pay for stuff I can watch for free. Hulu now has a business model as dumb as the rest of the internet crowd.
Buzzed Gmail outs Googly ties of Obama's deputy CTO
*If its good for Google, its good for America"
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Why not have a member of one of the worlds most successful internet companies in the White House? He might do something like try to bring high speed internet to all of America. The Secretary of Defense During WW2 also happened to be the head of GM, he created America's Highway system. Yes it was good for GM but it was also good for America.
Apple uncloaks deep details of its 11 iPad apps

Mix rip and burn
"And you don't rip DVDs. You buy them via iTunes. Do you seriously think (insert name of any computer manufacturer that wants to stay in business) will launch a product and say 'Yeah! It's great for pirating movies - just drag and drop'?"
Don't you remember the"rip mix and burn" commercials Apple ran around 2001?
FCC talks National Broadband
Public safety
TV and radio are already required to broadcast emergency warnings, and indeed if you are experiencing bad weather, isn't the first thing you'd do is turn on the TV? A system that works, that costs the government very little, that makes sense, is going to be replaced with an expensive one so you can get tornado warnings on your iphone. This FCC guy is clearly in the pockets of the telcos.
Linus Torvalds doesn't hate the Googlephone
Tiny TV could make billions for FCC
AT&T to choke your iPhone
Ammo rationing at Wal-Mart as panic buying sweeps US
Don't ride the bus
An 18 year old high school student was walking toward the bus stop when 2 16 years rode by on bicycles and shot him. All you NRA freaks can go to hell
Google and Microsoft bombard Brussels over ad tracking
Who pays attention to internet ads?
Let Google and MS track me and my web habits all they want. Let them know how I spend every penny. After they have compiled their data and presented it to the merchants of the world, who can then cross reference and analyze it. Once the merchants of the world realize I don't pay attention to internet ads Google and MS can finally go broke.