Re: Missed the point
"No, I doubt that if i was on the receiving end of this that I would be gravely offended."
Do you think your opinion on that reflects that of general society, or do you fall well outside of social norms? Please use the given example as a reference. Don't forget that troll tried to be as offensive as possible. I would most certainly be most offended in that scenario.
So what do you propose? How should that be deployed? Do you really believe trolls would respond to 'advice' in threads they are trying to derail? I don’t think so!
"No, I just think some things aren't worth getting that upset about. It is, after all, just letters arranged in a particular order.
No, it is letters arranged entirely with the motivation of causing maximum offence, again and again and again.
Do you think desecration of a shrine, even an online one, is not worth getting upset about? As an example: would you or your mother really not mind if I rearranged the letters on your father’s tombstone to read something like "killed by AIDS from bum sex with his HIV+ son, ha haa" It's only letters after all - right?
"The world would be a much nicer place if people could accept that others have different views to their own rather than punching them, shooting them or insisting they be locked up."
Is trolling simply "having different views"? Perhaps you need to consider those examples again! Indeed, the world would be a nice place without the trolls, trying to get others to punch them!