* Posts by Rich Large

4 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Sep 2009

Apple ups Mac Mini spec, lowers price

Rich Large
Thumb Down

Well, that's that

I was looking at one of these to use a media PC - which one of the core tasks would be to play DVD's. To ebay it is, and Apple will not be seeing a single penny of my cash!

Tablet hype brings e-book readers a more merry Xmas

Rich Large

For the great unwashed

I doubt most people will see the difference.

Beastly Android will batter Apple's iOS beauty

Rich Large

Pretty simple

Wow, that seems to have drawn a lot of Android bashing. Anyway, looking at it from the standard consumer point of view:

Android has plenty of shiny, touchscreen phones. Everyone wants a shiny touchscreen phone. Android phones are generally cheaper. Everyone likes cheaper. Android does pretty much all the same functions, in a similar way, and has all the pretty apps. So, people are buying Android.

Dual-screen Microsoft 'booklet' uncovered

Rich Large

Not bad

Looks like a very neat concept. Might be slightly worried about the weight if it's got a floppy spine, but as long as it came with good software and a decent price tag (£3-400 maybe?), this looks like a mighty useful device. Keeping an eye on this one.