Bloody Cyclists
I have to agree with James on this one. While I don't mind a bit of riding myself, I do find the smug holier than thou attitude of a vast majority of riders to be quite annoying. It's if they think they are singlehandly saving the planet from us car users.
"Yes I could cycle to work, but 20 miles each way doesn't really sounds appealing. I'll stick to my car thanks."
And then when they've annoyed all the drivers on the road (who by the way pay via the medium of tax for the roads these bikers use) they then cycle on the pavement like they own it killing old grannys and young kids.
And that's without even mentioning they're lack of ability to obey the highway code and not drive through traffic lights, ignore one way streets etc etc.
Most of them need a good kicking.
Makes me mad.
Stop sign, cos the bastards always ignore them.